RAMPF.forum 2023 – Practical. Solution-Oriented. Interactive.
Automotive manufacturers do not only measure speed in mph. Rather, ultra-fast process chains in production are a must in order to stay ahead of the global competition. Maximum speed and maximum precision – these are the resulting requirements for the fully automated sealing, casting, and bonding of batteries, fuel cells, and lightweight components.
- How can dispensing technology best meet these requirements?
- What challenges arise from new materials?
- How can digitization reduce production costs?
These questions will be answered by and together with leading experts from the fields of dispensing technology and automation at RAMPF.forum 2023 on October 18 & 19 in Rottweil, Germany. The program is target-oriented and interactive with
- Presentations and discussion forums on lightweight construction, electromobility, and digitalization in dispensing technology
- Expert marketplace
- Live application demonstrations at the dispensing technology and automation specialist RAMPF Production Systems
- Evening event with a spectacular view in the TK Elevator test tower
Dr. Rüdiger Brockmann, CEO of RAMPF Production Systems – “Increasing product variety, product complexity, and production speeds are issues both OEMs and suppliers are confronted with. At RAMPF.forum 2023 we will set out how highly automated systems with integrated dispensing technology are not only meeting these dynamic requirements but driving them forward. As we want the mutual exchange of participants to take center stage, the event will be practical, solution-oriented, and interactive.”
The speakers are
- Dr. Stefan Kienzle, Strategic Consultant for Automotive & Mobility Business, Lecturer at KIT Karlsruhe and TU Vienna: “Findings from the first generation of electric vehicles from a product and manufacturing perspective”
- Markus Schmidt, Founder & CEO of QSID-Digital Advisory: “Successful transformation of companies under dynamic change”
- Dipl.-Ing. Thomas Dreyer, Director R&D at Kontron AIS GmbH: “The power of digitalization – Material tracking and machine support in the focus of the automotive industry"
- Ivo Neumann, Fraunhofer IFAM, Adhesive Bonding Technology | Polymer Processing and Analytics: “Using OPC UA communication standard in adhesive bonding manufacturing”
Please note that the event will be held in German.
RAMPF Production Systems GmbH & Co. KG is one of the world’s leading suppliers of innovative systems for processing single-, dual-, and multi-component reactive plastic systems.
In addition to its core competence of mixing and dispensing technology, the company based in Zimmern ob Rottweil, Ger-many, provides product-specific automation concepts with integrated parts transport and heat treatment, assembly and join-ing technology, as well as logistic and quality assurance solutions.
The customer-specific solutions include integrating both surface activation processes as well as testing and measuring tech-nology to safeguard production processes.
Prototypes and small series for customers are produced in the application-engineering center.
This wide-ranging expertise enables RAMPF Production Systems to provide its customers with complete solutions for their production facilities.
RAMPF Production Systems is a company of the international RAMPF Group based in Grafenberg, Germany.
RAMPF Holding GmbH & Co. KG
Albstraße 37
72661 Grafenberg
Telefon: +49 (7123) 9342-0
Telefon: +49 (7123) 9342-0
E-Mail: pr@rampf-group.com