trans-o-flex ThermoMed Austria builds new facility in Styria
To further expand its network capacity in Austria and to accelerate and make handling processes more sustainable, trans-o-flex ThermoMed Austria is building a new transhipment centre in Styria. Yesterday, the company, which specialises in the pharmaceutical and healthcare industry, celebrated its topping-out ceremony. "We can handle two and a half times more consignments in Lebring than at our current site in Kalsdorf," says trans-o-flex CEO Wolfgang P. Albeck. "And while the facility in Kalsdorf was rented, we are building on our very own land in Lebring." This involves the Austrian subsidiary of the German trans-o-flex investing a sum in the mid single-digit millions. "That’s a lot of money for a relatively small facility with a daily volume of around 2,000 parcels," Albeck explained at the topping-out ceremony. "But firstly, the facility is important for our customer service in order to be able to offer a 24-hour service nationwide. Secondly, we secure lower operating costs in the long term. And thirdly, we are reducing our carbon footprint."
Because the energy costs are relatively high due to the active temperature control required for the quality of the pharmaceuticals, trans-o-flex ThermoMed Austria is investing in heavy-duty thermal insulation for the new building. The company is building a photovoltaic system on the roof of the approximately 1,100 square metre warehouse. The electricity can be used to power the heat pump used for heating and cooling, but also at the charging points for electric vehicles. LED technology is being installed for the lighting, which is expensive to purchase but economical in operation. "And all the rain that falls on roofs and sealed surfaces of the approximately 10,000 square metre site is not channelled into the sewage system," says Albeck. "There is a special pond on the site that collects all rainwater and allows it to seep away in a controlled manner."
In Lebring, trans-o-flex ThermoMed Austria will employ up to 40 people who will serve Styria, Carinthia, parts of Burgenland and East Tyrol from here in future. In total, trans-o-flex ThermoMed Austria has four sites, namely Großebersdorf (Lower Austria), Regau (Upper Austria), Fritzens (Tyrol) and still currently Kalsdorf (Styria). The sites are connected to the German ThermoMed network as well as to the partner networks in Belgium, Luxembourg and the Netherlands.
trans-o-flex’s core areas of expertise are logistics solutions for the healthcare, cosmetics and consumer electronics industries and other sensitive goods. The company has built up transport networks to carry goods throughout Germany and Austria at 15 to 25 degrees Celsius or 2 to 8 degrees Celsius actively temperature-controlled and documented in accordance with EU regulations for healthcare transport. These EU-GDPs require the highest standards for safety and security, cleanliness, reliability and transparency, from which all trans-o-flex customers benefit. trans-o-flex operates internationally via the networks EUROTEMP (temperature-controlled logistics) and EURODIS (in 36 European countries). In contrast to parcel and groupage services, trans-o-flex delivers parcels and pallets on a consolidated basis. trans-o-flex Express offers numerous express and time-slot deliveries, special services such as hazardous goods transportation (without minimum quantity regulation), consignment consolidation and direct deliveries. The range of services is complemented by warehousing, order picking and individual value-added services such as serialisation and deserialisation of pharmaceuticals. This means that the company covers the entire logistics chain from procurement through to fulfilment. The annual turnover of the trans-o-flex companies, which employ a total of around 1,902 people (head count), amounted to around 617 million euros in 2022. More information is available at www.trans-o-flex.com
trans-o-flex Express GmbH & Co. KGaA
Hertzstraße 10
69469 Weinheim
Telefon: +49 (6201) 988-0
Telefax: +49 (6201) 988-980
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Fax: +49 (6201) 988-343
E-Mail: pr@tof.de