Analytical centrifugation is also an important tool in quantum dot research
Zhongliang Hu et al. reported the use of carbon quantum dots (CQDs) as nanoparticle tracers and sensors for reservoir exploration and development in oil and gas production. The stability of several CQD suspensions against high salinity was tested at 40 °C. [2]
Sebastian Süß et al. extended a previously developed standardized and non-subjective method for determination of Hansen parameters based on analytical centrifugation to the important class of quantum materials. As a technically relevant model system, zinc oxide quantum dots (QDs) were used. [2]
The multidimensional classification of quantum dots is the research topic of Menter and Segets; they used analytical centrifugation to determine the sedimentation-equivalent distribution of the flake diameters of ZnS quantum dots.[2] Jos van Rijssel et al. used the LUMiSizer in the context of determining the size-dependent second virial coefficient of the osmotic pressure of quantum dots, an important parameter for quantifying and comparing molecular and colloidal interactions. [2]
[1] , available on 9 October 2023 9:12 am
[2] Links to original papers:
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