Q3/2023: Deutsche Börse Group reports further growth and completes takeover of SimCorp
Deutsche Börse Group has just published its financial results for Q3/2023. Please scroll down for the link to the entire report.
Overview of the quarterly results:
- Our Group’s net revenue rose by 9 per cent in the third quarter to €1,188.3 million (Q3/2022: €1,090.2 million).
- Earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortisation (EBITDA) went up to €684.8 million (Q3/2022: €642.3 million), an increase of 7 per cent (excl. one-offs: 13 per cent).
- Net income for the period attributable to Deutsche Börse AG shareholders came to €400.3 million (Q3/2022: €373.3 million). Earnings per share rose by 6 per cent (excl. one-offs: 20 per cent) and came to €2.16 (Q3/2022: €2.03).
- The SimCorp shareholders accepted our takeover offer by a large majority (94 per cent).
- We will acquire the remaining SimCorp shares in the course of a squeeze-out. The SimCorp shares are planned to be delisted from Nasdaq Copenhagen on 30 October 2023.
- In view of the performance to date and the additional contribution from SimCorp in the fourth quarter, we are again increasing our guidance for net revenue of around €5.0 billion and EBITDA of around €2.9 billion for the full year.
- Gregor Pottmeyer, CFO of Deutsche Börse AG, commented on the results as follows: “Against a good prior-year quarter, we were again able to significantly increase our net revenue. Our secular growth areas and the interest rate environment made a significant contribution. Now that the acquisition of SimCorp has been closed, we will be pooling our data, analytics and software business in the new Investment Management Solutions segment in the fourth quarter and thus create new growth opportunities. By consolidating SimCorp, we now anticipate that we will significantly exceed our original guidance for the full year 2023 and generate net revenue of around €5.0 billion and EBITDA of around €2.9 billion.”
The analyst and investor conference call will take place on Thursday, 19 October 2023, at 14:00 CEST. You can participate via this link.
Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:
Gruppe Deutsche Börse AG
Neue Börsenstr. 1
60487 Frankfurt am Main
Telefon: +49 (69) 211-0
Telefax: +49 (69) 2101-3791
Ingrid M. Haas
Telefon: +49 (69) 21113217
E-Mail: media-relations@deutsche-boerse.com
Telefon: +49 (69) 21113217
E-Mail: media-relations@deutsche-boerse.com
Patrick Kalbhenn
Telefon: +49 (69) 21114730
E-Mail: media-relations@deutsche-boerse.com
Telefon: +49 (69) 21114730
E-Mail: media-relations@deutsche-boerse.com
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