The new orcharhino version 6.6 with a modernized management UI and improved content management is released.
Modernized Management UI
The host details page has been modernized through cards for each feature. In the overview section, core details of managed hosts are curated. Furthermore, the new remote execution job wizard guides you through the process of invocating jobs.
Additionally, to improve the speed of the management UI, orcharhino Server now uses HTTP/2 by default.
Improved Content Management
orcharhino 6.6 has added the feature to import and export content views with DEB content. Users can also easily compare two content view versions with the new “Compare” tab on the “Content View” page.
Yum repositories now support syncable format imports to synchronize content directly from an URL instead of a file path.
For improved user experience, API calls to determine if host repositories are enabled now return simplified results.
Additional Features
The latest version of orcharhino is based on Foreman 3.5, Katello 4.7, and Pulp 3.21.
Installing orcharhino Server in offline environments is now easier with a provided ISO image that contains all required packages. More details on how to install orcharhino Server in disconnected environments using ISO images can be found in the documentation.
Additionally, orcharhino now supports image-based deployment on Proxmox compute resources using Cloud-init.
Technical Preview Features
With the latest update, the new Ansible role, "or_proxy_installation" allows users to install and configure orcharhino Proxy on EL8. The new pull client, provided by orcharhino, is used to run remote execution jobs, replacing katello-agent.
The kernel_care plug-in for hosts running Debian and Ubuntu is now supported by orcharhino 6.6. Alternate Content Sources (ACS) to synchronize packages from a closer mirror or orcharhino Proxy instead of from your orcharhino Server is also now supported.
About orcharhino
orcharhino is a software tool that simplifies the automation of data centers. With it, users can roll out physical and virtual systems and determine their lifecycle—from creation to installation of updates and system maintenance to decommissioning. Configuration management solutions such as Ansible, Puppet, and Salt can configure connected systems, allowing for a secure and rapid scaling of infrastructure. orcharhino supports AlmaLinux, Amazon Linux, CentOS, Debian, Oracle Linux, Red Hat Enterprise Linux, Rocky Linux, SUSE Linux Enterprise Server, and Ubuntu. ATIX AG is the manufacturer of orcharhino.
ATIX AG is located in Garching near Munich and has been serving customers all over Europe for more than 20 years with its core areas Consulting, Engineering and Support in automating, managing and simplifying complex IT landscapes based on Open Source Software.
For more information, please visit: http://www.atix.de
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