HARRANDT – fully automated assembly line
Equipped with the latest robotic technology, an integrated camera system from VISIO NERF to detect the gripping points of the loading robot and a well thought-out SuperTrak conveyor.
Specially made workpiece carriers, which are fixed to the conveyor, thus enable the transport to the individual assembly and measuring stations.
The integrated robots handle the loading and unloading of parts to and of the assembly line and can be quickly adapted to different requirements.
Our automated assembly and measuring stations are user-friendly and easy to operate. On the one hand, they enable the assembling of a wide variety of small and very small parts, and on the other hand, they can be used to monitor quality characteristics.
The stations can be individually adapted to your needs so that the quality of your products is guaranteed at all times.
Use our profound knowledge to your advantage. Stay in contact with us as strong partner on your side.
Feinwerktechnik Otto Harrandt GmbH
Robert-Bosch-Straße 25
71397 Leutenbach-Nellmersbach
Telefon: +49 (7195) 90680-0
Telefax: +49 (7195) 90680-299
Telefon: +49 (0) 7195 906 80 204
E-Mail: laura.voigt@harrandt.com