Energie- / Umwelttechnik

Maxell’s PSB401010H all-solid-state battery was adopted in Nikon’s “Multi-Turn Absolute Encoder”

The PSB401010H ceramic packaged all-solid-state battery manufactured by Maxell, Ltd. (President and Representative Director: Keiji Nakamura / hereinafter "Maxell") has been adopted in the MAR-M700MFA multi-turn absolute encoder*2 developed by Nikon Corporation (Representative Director, President: Toshikazu Umatate / hereinafter, "Nikon").

The MAR-M700MFA absolute encoder will be showcased at the Nikon booth (booth E7-59 in the East 7 Hall) of the "International Robot Exhibition 2023: iREX2023" to be held at Tokyo Big Site (Koto Ward, Tokyo) from November 29 to December 2, 2023.

Maxell’s PSB401010H ceramic packaged all-solid-state battery (nominal capacity 8mAh) has been highly recognized for its capability of surface mounting through reflow soldering*3 and its environmental resistance which allows devices to be operated at temperatures of up to 105°C.

In order to solve many social issues, utilizing its analog core technologies, Maxell will continue to develop reliable, high-performance all-solid-state batteries that can be used in areas where existing batteries cannot be used by focusing on the following four features: long lifetime, high temperature resistance, high output, and high capacity.

*1 Environmental resistance: For the battery’s operating temperature range, please refer to the details on Maxell’s all-solid-state battery webpage. https://biz.maxell.com/en/rechargeable_batteries/allsolidstate.html
*2 Absolute encoder: An absolute encoder is a type of sensor device used commonly in industrial robots on automobile manufacturing lines, machine tools, and many other applications. Its purpose is to detect absolute values for robot-arm rotational displacement and similar measurements.
*3 Capability of surface mounting through reflow soldering: No deterioration in basic characteristics such as capacity and load characteristics due to reflow at a maximum temperature of 245°C.

The names of the companies and products mentioned in this news release are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies.

All-solid-state battery webpage

Sales & Marketing Div., Maxell, Ltd.

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

Maxell Europe Ltd
Botanica Ditton Park, Riding Court Road
SL3 9LL Datchet, Slough, Berkshire
Telefon: +44 (0)1628 412012

Alicia Sacha
E-Mail: alicia.sacha@maxell.eu
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