Presentation of the Golden Dove of Peace award to the Russian initiative OVD-Info
The Golden Dove of Peace human rights award has been presented to institutions and individuals who show particular dedication to international understanding and human rights since 2008. After one year, the current award winner passes the Golden Dove of Peace on to another deserving individual or institution. The aim is to build up a global network for peace.
The award ceremony will begin at 2 pm in the Maxim Gorki Theatre (Studio) in Berlin. Alice Bota, editor and former Moscow correspondent of Die Zeit newspaper, will give a speech in honour of OVD-Info. This will be followed by a panel discussion with journalist Grigory Okhotin, human rights lawyer Violetta Fitsner from OVD-Info and Gemma Pörzgen from Reporters Without Borders.
When: 10 December 2023, 2 pmWhere: Maxim Gorki Theatre, Am Festungsgraben 2, 10117 BerlinAdmission: 8€, reduced admission 5€ Tickets:
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