Steel Strategy 20-30 from thyssenkrupp Steel is making great strides: Minister Neubaur visits foundation stone laying ceremony for major project in Duisburg Bruckhausen
- Major projects involving new construction and conversion of four large plant complexes: slab storage yard, hot strip mill 4, continuous casters 3 and 4, walking beam furnaces 1 and 2
- Expansion of the portfolio of higher strength steels and premium surfaces to meet future requirements of the energy and mobility revolution, among others
- Investment volume of around 800 million euros, the largest investment package within Strategy 20-30
- Completion of all conversions and new buildings by the beginning of 2026
thyssenkrupp Steel sets another significant milestone in the implementation of its "Strategy 20-30". By laying of the foundation stone for the construction of a modern hot strip mill and slab storage yard, the conversion and new construction of two continuous casters and two new walking beam furnaces, the company is taking decisive steps to strengthen its position amidst European competition, and to extend its leadership in terms of technology and quality. The investments of around 800 million euros are made up of funds from the Strategy 20-30 and basic investment funds. The projects will further strengthen Duisburg as a steel location and secure long-term employment. All the work is due to be completed by the beginning of 2026.
North-Rhine Westphalia’s State Minister for Economic Affairs Mona Neubaur: "With these major projects, thyssenkrupp is impressively demonstrating its commitment our industrial region, in spite of these difficult times. By investing heavily in the construction and conversion of production technologies in Duisburg, the company is demonstrating foresight and innovative strength on the way to the double transformation. New products for the energy turnaround and, in particular, electric mobility with cutting-edge quality made in North Rhine-Westphalia will not only create a global competitive advantage, but also strengthen our location and secure high-quality jobs. My special thanks also go to the equipment builders involved, who have made a significant contribution to realizing this pioneering project."
With the investment package that has now been initiated, the Duisburg-based steelmaker is expanding and improving the flexibility of its plants and equipment, as well as increasing its production capacities. On the one hand, the measures are aimed at slab and hot strip production. In addition to building the new continuous caster 3, this primarily includes the separation of the casting rolling line at the Duisburg site. To date, the line has played a key role in supplying the downstream units as part of the production network. However, the casting rolling line was commissioned almost 25 years ago, and it is no longer capable of meeting future customer quality requirements. The next step will therefore be to convert the unit into a continuous caster and a downstream hot strip mill in a way that offers scope for future expansion and, which will also provide for further processing at the Bochum location. As a result, the improved flexibility of the production processes will lead to greater on-time delivery reliability for customers.
Dr. Heike Denecke-Arnold, Chief Operations Officer (COO) at thyssenkrupp Steel: "Our new and rebuilt facilities will enable us to optimally meet the changing needs of the market, e. g. the demand for lower tolerances, higher strength and optimized surfaces. This is also a strong signal to our customers, who will also benefit from the increased flexibility and availability of the new facilities. Now it is time to put the plans into effect. Our teams at Steel are united by one goal: We are investing in a strong, competitive and sustainable steel company in the Rhine and Ruhr region. "
Strategy 20-30 places central emphasis on high-quality steel grades that are required for efficient solutions in the areas of electric mobility, automotive construction and industrial applications. These include, for example, the powercore® Traction product in the area of motors and generators. The products made here include ZM Ecoprotect® and dual-phase steels, which are crucial for lightweight automotive construction and crash-relevant components.
Overview of the projects
Continuous caster 4 and hot strip mill 4
The existing casting rolling line will be converted into a continuous caster with a downstream hot strip mill, and the modernization will be completed by 2025. This will not only enable an increase in casting and rolling capacities, but also the production of ultra high-strength steels and premium surfaces. Customers stand to benefit from higher quality, more flexible slab production and improved delivery options.
Continuous caster 3
A new continuous caster is also planned and will replace continuous caster 1. This will offer metallurgical advantages that will be reflected in increased productivity and better surface qualities. The line is planned to be built in 2025.
Walking beam furnaces 1 and 2
In future, the new walking beam furnaces 1 and 2, which are identical in construction, will transport the slabs through the furnaces in a way that is particularly kind to the material, by lifting them. The downstream hot strip mill will be able to produce steel with the highest surface quality in future because the slabs will be homogeneously heated up to 1250 °C in the hottest area of the furnace, and the slabs will be transported with care.
Slab storage yard
A fully automated slab storage yard is being built in collaboration with the Italian equipment builder Danieli. One particularly noteworthy feature is the intelligent logistics control, which enables real-time synchronization of around 1.7 million metric tons of slabs per year. This significantly improves operational reliability and minimizes the need for on-site personnel. The project will be completed in two phases by mid-2024.
*on the photo you see: v. l. to the right: Mahmut Özdemir, MdB SPD, Parliamentary State Secretary; Tekin Nasikkol, Chairman of the Thyssenkrupp Group Works Council; Dr. Harald Espenhahn, Head of Technology & Environment Management, thyssenkrupp Steel; Dr. Heide Denecke-Arnold, Chief Operational Officer thyssenkrupp Steel; Lars Klingbeil, Federal Chairman of the SPD; Ali Güzel, Chairman of the Duisburg Works Council, thyssenkrupp Steel; Bernhard Osburg, CEO of thyssenkrupp Steel; Mona Neubaur, NRW Economics Minister; Eyüp Demirtas, concrete worker Rempke; Michael Rüscher, deputy for economy, security and order for the city of Duisburg.
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