Successful online sales launch for digital vignettes and digital route tolls for Austria with new provider
According to ski tour operators, demand for ski holidays in Austria has been high so far. Nevertheless, more than 20 per cent of holidaymakers are late bookers because they make their booking dependent on the snow conditions. The most common way of travelling to Austria is by car, while bookings for flights and train journeys have also increased. The winter season covers the months of November to April in the concept of the tourism year. Tyrol and Salzburg regions are particularly popular.
"Digital online vignette sales is one of the most important elements of Autopay’s application development strategy," says Miłosz Kurzawski, member of the Autopay Mobility Management Board. "Entering the Austrian market is the first step towards international expansion into the DACH and CEE region (Central and Eastern European countries). It is currently the only solution on the market that makes it possible to buy vignettes for different countries in the app," he adds.
The Autopay Mobility app in Poland offers access to Czech, Slovenian, Slovakian and Hungarian e-vignettes. The sale of Austrian 10-day vignettes and digital route toll single tickets will start in the fourth quarter of this year and will be fully available for customers in Germany. The digital vignettes will be sold both via the Autopay app and the website.
"Our solution removes barriers and enables convenient and automated travelling. As part of the agreement, users of the Autopay app can also use toll tunnels and bridges, for which they also pay via the app," says Martin Schisslbauer, Country Manager of Autopay GmbH. "The service website will be available in German and English," he adds.
Autopay Mobility is a fast and automatic payment system for individual and fleet customers. It is the most comprehensive solution for automatic payments on motorways in Poland. The system works on the state motorways A2 Konin – Stryków and A4 Wrocław – Sosnica as well as on private motorways: AmberOne A1 (Toruń-Gdańsk) and A4 Katowice – Kraków. The solution is already used by 2 million motorists. Since April, Autopay has also enabled the purchase of e-vignettes for the Czech Republic, Slovenia, Slovakia and Hungary.
Autopay GmbH
Kurfürstendamm 195
10707 Berlin
Engel International Communications GmbH
Engel International Communications GmbH
Telefon: +49 (157) 5155-3000