water stuff & sun shines bright
Best CleanTech Solution for Energy
Recognition for the revolutionary hydrogen battery, a cutting-edge two-in-one storage solution for renewable energies.
Best Stand Out Performer
Commendation for exceptional contributions to driving the digital transformation of the energy sector.
The highlight of water stuff & sun’s success is the hydrogen battery, a game-changing technology poised to simplify the entire hydrogen value chain. The hydrogen battery utilizes small, flexible, efficient energy storage, so-called SFEERS: a high-pressure storage cell model, which, when combined, forms a versatile and secure two-in-one storage solution.
The hydrogen battery, represented by small, lightweight carbon-fiber capsules known as SFEERS, stores renewable energy in compressed gaseous hydrogen up to 1,000 bar. This innovative system reduces costs and weight significantly compared to conventional high-pressure storage methods. The SFEERS technology enables controlled gas release through micro-mechanical valve systems, ensuring high energy density and enhanced safety through distributed energy storage.
"Receiving these awards is not just a recognition of our efforts but a testament to the transformative potential of our hydrogen battery. This technology will redefine how we approach energy storage and distribution, setting new standards for sustainability," says Thomas Korn, CEO of water stuff & sun GmbH.
The 2023 Global EnergyTech Awards showcased a diverse array of global innovators, emphasizing the dynamic and evolving landscape of energy innovation. Additionally, water stuff & sun GmbH expresses gratitude to its dedicated team and anticipates further strides in sustainable energy solutions.
water stuff & sun ist ein deutsches Wasserstoff-Start-up mit Hauptsitz im Raum München, das eine disruptive Speicher- und Infrastrukturtechnologie für erneuerbare Energien entwickelt: Die Wasserstoffbatterie – eine 2-in-1-Speicher- und Anwendungslösung – ist die erste Technologie, die die sichere und einfache Verteilung von Wasserstoff aus erneuerbaren Energien mit seiner Integration in verschiedene Anwendungen sehr kosteneffizient verbindet.
Dadurch vereinfacht die Wasserstoffbatterie die gesamte H2-Wertschöpfungskette mit dem Ziel, grünen Wasserstoff konkurrenzfähig zu fossilen Brennstoffen zu machen.
water stuff & sun GmbH
Gutenbergstr. 3
85716 Unterschleißheim
Telefon: +49 (89) 3270889-42
E-Mail: mediarelations@waterstuffsun.com