Assistant with energy expertise: E.ON’s own generative artificial intelligence goes live
Victoria Ossadnik, member of the E.ON Board of Management responsible for digitalization and innovation, says: “Generative AI is a technology that is already changing our lives and our work and will trigger even more changes in the future. Generative AI also plays an important role for us at E.ON. If we understand how we can use the technology and where its risks lie, it offers an opportunity to successfully master the energy transition for many tasks in the energy industry and is an essential tool. Our own E.ON GPT solution is now going live and gives our employees the opportunity to interact with Generative AI as much as possible in a data room that is protected for E.ON, to learn and also to solve problems.”
E.ON GPT, virtual consultant for all E.ON employees, says: “As a Generative AI assistant, I will be able to answer my human colleagues’ questions and provide solutions at any time. I have in-depth knowledge of the energy industry and can collect and provide data on renewable energy sources, energy efficiency and sustainable practices. My answers are consistent and of high quality, and I am constantly learning. This contributes to increased productivity, improved employee satisfaction and stronger collaboration within the company.”
The artificial intelligence is based on OpenAI’s GPT3.5 technology and is operated in a cloud. A team of data engineers and data scientists from E.ON developed the internal AI assistant in a short space of time. To enable employees to make the best possible use of the software, the company initiated its own training program, such as a video series in which tips and tricks are shared by internal AI experts. In addition, specific questions are answered, and assistance is offered in interactive Q&A sessions.
Note: Parts of the press release are written with the help of artificial intelligence.
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