Deutsche Börse completes 2023 with strong results and remains on growth path
Deutsche Börse Group has just published its preliminary financial results for 2023. Please scroll down for the link to the entire report.
Overview of the results:
- Net revenue increased by 17 per cent to €5,077 million and EBITDA to €2,944 million, also an increase of 17 per cent.
- In addition to further secular growth, strongly increased net interest income made a significant contribution to the company’s success.
- SimCorp was successfully consolidated within the Group and delivered better than expected fourth-quarter net revenue of €198 million.
- Overall, the Group clearly exceeded its guidance for net revenue for the full year, which had been raised several times.
- For the dividend, the Executive Board is proposing an increase to €3.80 per share, a payout ratio of 40 per cent.
- For 2024, the Group expects an M&A effect from SimCorp in addition to secular growth and targets net revenue of more than €5.6 billion and EBITDA of more than €3.2 billion.
- Commenting on the results, Theodor Weimer, Chief Executive Officer of Deutsche Börse AG, said: "2023 was an extremely successful year for us for several reasons. We were able to increase our record net revenue and earnings of the previous year further strongly, supported by the strong cyclical tailwind of high interest rates. In addition, the strategically important acquisition of SimCorp is a milestone in the expansion of our business."
- Commenting on the outlook, Theodor Weimer said: "Our new Horizon 2026 strategy sets the course for the Group’s further growth. We are systematically expanding the new Investment Management Solutions segment, which targets asset managers who are becoming increasingly important. We will also continue to increase our share of recurring net revenue to make ourselves less dependent on cyclical effects of the market. In 2024, we again expect significant net revenue and earnings growth due to our organic growth and the consolidation of SimCorp."
The Annual Press Conference will take place on 8 February 2024 starting at 10:30 CET. Journalists are invited to attend the conference on site or virtually. Please register at
The Annual Press Conference will also be broadcast live on the Internet. The public livestream is available via
Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:
Deutsche Börse AG
Neue Börsenstr. 1
60487 Frankfurt am Main
Telefon: +49 (69) 211-0
Telefax: +49 (69) 211-12005
Ingrid Haas
Telefon: +49 (69) 211132-17
Telefon: +49 (69) 211132-17
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