KISTERS 3DViewStation Introduces New Section Solid and Enhanced PMI Support
Previously, with 3DViewStation’s section function, customers could already generate section wires and section surfaces. Now, in close collaboration with customers from the automotive industry, a completely new extension has been developed. For documentation purposes, it should be possible to create new solids by applying multiple cuts on the geometry, which should appear independently of the rest of the component in the structure tree. This significant innovation has been released with the v2024.0 for all customers, setting new standards already. From now on, it is possible to divide components into halves, quarters, or cut them as many times as desired to enable detailed analysis of the resulting solids. Slicing the object step by step is easily possible thanks to the “step width” parameter.
"With the new cut up function in 3DViewStation v2024.0, we offer our customers an even more powerful solution for analyzing their 3D models, especially in, but not limited to the automotive sector," says Germar Nikol, Director Visualization Technologies at KISTERS AG. "The ability to physically cut geometries and create new solids opens up various application possibilities, such as describing repair documentation in more detail, optimizing working times, and reducing error rates."
Significant progress has also been made in the area of the comparison function. PMIs (Product Manufacturing Information) encompass a variety of information crucial for product manufacturing and verification. This includes geometric tolerances, surface texture, material specifications, manufacturing instructions, and more. With KISTERS 3DViewStation, a software solution is provided that allows 3D models and PMI data to be displayed and analyzed easily, without the need for specialized CAD or CAM software. The new v2024.0 release is founded on this and now extends its comparison analysis by a PMI comparison. Thus, from now on various versions of a model can not only be compared geometrically but also show changes of the manufacturing information (PMI) by re-coloring them. This is available in both, the quick and exact comparisons and requires no additional settings.
" I can’t reveal too much yet, but this year there will be a release that will bring a long-awaited highlight for our customers. However, what I can already reveal is that we are working on another update for the comparison function in the background," says Germar Nikol. "Soon, changes will be highlighted not only in the model itself but also in the structure tree to enable an even clearer comparison."
All v2024.0 innovations are now available and can be tested, along with the over 180 other functions, free of charge in the 30-day demo: 3dviewstation.com/downloads
Further changes in the release:
Import 3D:
Solid Edge 2024
Parasolid 36.0
Import 2D:
Solid Edge 2024
Solidworks 2024
NX 2306 Series (until 2306.7000)
CATIA V6 R2024x
Export 2D:
DXF R32 (AutoCAD 2018)
Functions & Features:
- IFC Import: performance improvements
- STL, OBJ, and E57 Import: Settings added to split large files during import, improving performance and enabling the loading of files that would otherwise be too large
- Enhanced JT Import: Alternative importer. Must be activated for testing in settings
- 3DVS Export: Resources (skyboxes, backgrounds, materials, blending effects) can be saved in a 3DVS file
- Cutting: Physical cutting of geometries, creating new geometries at the cutting plane, can be applied multiple times
- Comparison: New comparison for PMIs
- PMI: Support for multiple colors
- Materials: Improved application of patterned textures
- Mouse setting for Fit-All function
- Always show rotation point
- Selected surfaces can be merged
- 2D Rendering: Option to enable or disable anti-aliasing
- New product icons for desktop version, WebViewer version, VisShare, KAS, VSLM
- WebViewer: Improved quality of displayed images
- KAS can now be installed separately
- VSLicenceManager: Improvement when switching licensed options
- VSLicenceManager: Improvements in license monitoring
- XML API window moved from output window to tool ribbon, response output added
- XML API: Functions for random coloring of nodes or surfaces
KISTERS 3DViewStation is continuously enhanced in response to customer needs and requirements. It is available as Desktop, VR-Edition and HTML5 WebViewer product versions plus the online collaboration tool VisShare. All product offerings are intended to be used together with a PLM, ERP or other management system product configuration, as well as service and spare part applications. KISTERS 3DViewStation provides all necessary APIs. For cloud, portal and web solutions, there is a HTML5-based WebViewer solution available, which does not require client installation. All file formats can be used in combination with the intelligent navigation and hyperlinking features to address the needs of complex integration scenarios.
With more than 25 years of success in the market as a provider of superior visualization solutions from desktop to mobile, KISTERS has become one of the top players in the 3D visualization industry. The company’s clients range from small firms to well-known multinationals, comprising more than 3,000 customers and over 200,000 installations worldwide. The 3DViewStation’s easy-to-use interface is suitable for all user groups and 100% customizable to everyone’s specific requirements. In addition, KISTERS offers expert advice and support in concept development based on client requirements.
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E-Mail: melanie.ellrich@kisters.de