Atlas announces new weathering testing technology at NPE 2024 – The Plastics Show
Atlas Ci4400 Weather-Ometer®
The world’s most advanced xenon-arc instrument for standard weathering testing has gained design and engineering enhancements in airflow, irradiance and control systems, including:
- A larger chamber design with best tier-to-tier uniformity.
- Optional S3T™ Monitoring Systemwith contactless IR pyrometer technology to continuously measure specimen surface temperature for precise control of test parameters.
- Sealed Lamp Technology which eliminates assembling and disassembling filters and lamps by incorporating all elements into a “plug-and-play,” factory-sealed unit.
The SUNTEST series represents best-in-class, full-spectrum xenon flatbed instruments for 3D weathering and colorfastness testing. The SUNTEST XXL+ features a high-capacity test chamber with a 3000 cm2 exposure-area to accommodate extra-large dimensional and flat specimens.
Xenotest® 440 with Right Light™
The leading compact, rotating-rack weathering and lightfastness tester features patented XenoLogic™ twin-lamp technology for extra-wide test ranges and extended lamp life. The optional Right Light™ Optical Filter delivers the most precise match to natural sunlight.
UVTest® Fluorescent / UV Instrument
Designed to quickly screen coating formulations for UV and hydrolysis resistance, the economical UVTest is the top-selling fluorescent UV and condensation weathering instrument.
Atlas Outdoor Exposure Rack
Incorporating the best features of exposure racks used at AWSG weathering sites around the world, the new Exposure Rack features an ergonomic cam-lock design, quick-release hardware and meets all outdoor weathering standards.
Ultra-Accelerated Cool Mirror® Exposure Services
Cool mirror technology from Atlas Weathering Services Group (AWSG) has revolutionized outdoor accelerated testing. Acceleration can range 5-6x for Low Temperature EMMAQUA for temperature sensitive materials up to a remarkable 63X.
Visit us at NPE 2024
For more information about Atlas products and services, please visit booth
S-27049in the Orange County Convention Center, or contact Atlas directly at
For over 100 years, Atlas has been a leader in materials testing, offering a complete line of weathering testing instruments and services for accelerated and natural weathering. Atlas serves a range of industries including automotive; paint and coatings; plastics and additives; textiles; pharmaceutical and consumer products; architecture; aerospace; photovoltaics; and packaging. Its Atlas Weathering Services Group (AWSG) operates five laboratories and 25 outdoor exposure sites around the world. Atlas MTS is ISO 17025 and ISO 9001:2008 registered. Atlas products are designed and manufactured to conform to international, national and industry standard test methods, including ISO, ASTM, DIN, JIS and numerous others.
Atlas MTS is headquartered in Mount Prospect, Illinois. It is a business unit of Ametek Measurement, Communications & Testing, a division of AMETEK, Inc. (NYSE:AME), AMETEK, Inc. is a leading global provider of industrial technology solutions serving a diverse set of attractive niche markets with annual sales over $7.0 billion.
Atlas Material Testing Technology GmbH
Vogelsbergstr. 22
63589 Linsengericht-Altenhaßlau
Telefon: +49 (6051) 707-160
Telefax: +49 (6051) 707-161
Global Marketing Communications Manager
Telefon: +49 (6051) 707-160
Fax: +49 (6051) 707-161