Customized Heating Systems by Telemeter Electronic
The application scope is diverse, spanning various fields such as medical, dental, laboratory equipment and systems, as well as MIL and industrial applications.
For instance, Telemeter Electronic can vulcanize a silicone heating film onto a pre-designed surface. Embedding temperature sensors, fuses, or thermostats is also feasible. Stainless steel or aluminum oxide heaters are precision-manufactured, including round shapes and those with center holes. Additionally, as a service, Telemeter Electronic offers the possibility of assembly or even complete module manufacturing. Isolation materials such as ceramics, silicone, polyamides, PET, mica, or stainless steel are employed in the process.
Telemeter Electronic has been a certified sales and service company since 1964, with a focus on solution oriented thinking and acting. We are technically competent partners for our customers and attach great importance to personal and technical support. With regional locations we are active in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Slovakia and the Czech Republic and are always close to you.
Telemeter Europe
Joseph-Gänsler-Straße 10
86609 Donauwörth
Telefon: +49 (906) 70693-0
Telefax: +49 (906) 70693-50
Telefon: 004990670693-60
E-Mail: eseiler@telemeter.de