
D.W.RENZMANN Apparatebau GmbH announces the appointment of a new Managing Director

D.W.RENZMANN, a medium-sized mechanical and plant engineering company based in Monzingen, has appointed Dr. Dominik Zimmermann as its new Managing Director with immediate effect.

This decision marks a decisive step for the company towards growth and future success. Following his studies and subsequent doctorate in Stuttgart, Mr. Zimmermann held various management positions, most recently as Managing Director of a manufacturer of vessels and apparatus made of GRP and GRP composites for industrial applications. He therefore brings sound background and experience in operational and strategic management and corporate development to his new role.

During the staff meeting held for his introduction, he explained his decision to join RENZMANN by mentioning two core elements of RENZMANN’s activities: on the one hand, covering the entire value chain from process engineering design through mechanical and electrical design of the systems up to production and commissioning. On the other hand, the strong international orientation with worldwide business activities.

Please do not hesitate to contact us for further information. We look forward to strengthening our company’s position in the market together with Mr. Zimmermann and to successfully mastering the future challenges.



Über die RENZMANN GmbH

About D.W. RENZMANN Apparatebau GmbH

D.W.RENZMANN, a medium-sized company with an international orientation, supports customers all over the world in organizing their cleaning tasks and distillation processes in an environmentally friendly and cost-efficient manner.

D.W. RENZMANN GmbH develops and produces industrial washing machines and solvent distillation systems for environmentally friendly and efficient cleaning. More than 50 years of know-how make the ATEX-certified company D.W. RENZMANN a competent partner for the removal of highly adhesive contaminants. The medium-sized company based in Monzingen (Rhineland-Palatinate) has also specialized in handling flammable solvents and aggressive cleaning media. In addition to developing, manufacturing and selling cleaning and distillation systems, D.W. RENZMANN GmbH also offers its customers a comprehensive range of services and advice on washroom solutions. D.W. RENZMANN Apparatebau GmbH is represented worldwide by 75 agencies and sales partners.

For further information, please visit our website: www.dw-renzmann.de

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

Industriestraße 1
55569 Monzingen
Telefon: +49 (6751) 878-0
Telefax: +49 (6751) 878-111

Heike Beenen
Marketing & Sales
Telefon: +49 (6751) 878-290
Fax: +49 (6751) 8785291
E-Mail: beenen@dw-renzmann.de
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