Energie- / Umwelttechnik

Subsidiary in South Africa supports the international growth of Energiequelle GmbH

Energiequelle has established a subsidiary in South Africa and moved into its new offices at the Waterfront in Cape Town last week. Stefan Sager has represented the local subsidiary Energiequelle South Africa (Pty) Ltd as Managing Director since January 1, 2024. He brings with him multiple experience from the wind industry and has an extensive network for the realization of wind and PV projects.

South Africa is the second largest national economy in Africa, but the lack of electricity capacity is a barrier to its growth. The wind conditions are very good, and there are also regions with high levels of sunshine. This offers extraordinary potential for renewable energies. The government has therefore been setting specific targets for the expansion of renewable energies for years. An extensive tendering process has already ensured the execution of many projects.

Stefan Sager, who is based in both South Africa and Germany, is convinced of South Africa’s potential: "Energiequelle has been involved in the development of wind projects in South Africa for some time now, also with cooperation partners. Now we want to provide even better local support for the process and add more wind and solar projects to our pipeline."

Energiequelle has been growing for years. Last year alone, almost 150 new employees were hired to drive forward the expansion of renewable energies in Germany, Europe and South Africa.

Über die Energiequelle GmbH

Energiequelle GmbH has been internationally active as a project developer and operator of wind energy, biomass and photovoltaic plants as well as transformer stations and storage facilities since 1997. The company is headquartered in Kallinchen, with further locations in Berlin, Bremen, Oldenburg, Hanover, Putlitz, Perleberg, Penzing, Erfurt, Dresden, Rostock, Kiel, Magdeburg, Wiesbaden, Leipzig, Stuttgart, Münster, Guntersblum, Spremberg and Luckenwalde as well as Rennes, Dijon and Bordeaux (France), Helsinki and Vaasa (Finland), Poznan (Poland) and Cape Town (South Africa). With over 550 employees and more than 850 plants installed with a total output of around 1,700 MW, Energiequelle is a leading company in the industry.

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

Energiequelle GmbH
Hauptstraße 44
15806 Zossen OT Kallinchen
Telefon: +49 (33769) 871-0
Telefax: +49 (33769) 871105

Susanne Tauke
Marketing & PR
Telefon: +49 (421) 626769-22
E-Mail: tauke@energiequelle.de
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