Countries get involved in nuclear power
The demand for uranium is high, greater than the supply. When it comes to uranium supply, there is still the risk of what will happen in Niger after the coup d’état. There is also the risk that uranium imports from Russia will be banned by the USA. According to the experts, the fundamentals point to a further rise in uranium prices. China, India and the United Arab Emirates are strongly expanding their nuclear power presence. Europe, Japan, Canada, the USA and South Korea are also relying on this clean form of energy generation, which does not produce greenhouse gas emissions. And just how important a secure energy supply is becoming clear in 2022, when the word energy crisis became a spectre following Russia’s attack on Ukraine. Renewable energies are increasing, but they are not enough.
Today, dependence on fossil fuels is still too high. In terms of renewable energies, hydropower is the energy source with the largest electricity production. But even though global consumption of renewable energies has increased 25-fold in the last 30 years, only nuclear power can fill the gap sufficiently, safely and in a climate-friendly way. In Germany, wind energy is the strongest area of renewable energy. Energy security was also an issue in the 1970s and 1980s. Back then, OPEC had an impact on the price of oil and imposed an embargo. Nuclear energy was greatly expanded. Today, countries want to achieve climate targets and nuclear energy is being used again. Since this is advantageous for uranium companies, let’s take a brief look at Premier American Uranium and Uranium Energy.
Premier American Uranium – https://www.commodity-tv.com/ondemand/companies/profil/premier-american-uranium-inc/ – has promising uranium projects in the USA, Wyoming and Colorado. The company has just acquired American Future Fuel.
Uranium Energy – https://www.commodity-tv.com/ondemand/companies/profil/uranium-energy-corp/ – owns uranium projects in Canada and the USA as well as various uranium holdings and is thus ideally positioned.
Current company information and press releases from Uranium Energy (- https://www.resource-capital.ch/en/companies/uranium-energy-corp/ -) and Premier American Uranium (- https://www.resource-capital.ch/en/companies/premier-american-uranium-corp/ -).
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