Visions take shape
The workshop gave the guests an insight into the Braga ecosystem, the visions for the future and the contribution of the Erasmus Café to the sustainable development of the region. For Daniel Gottschald, the historical context of the city points the way forward: “In the past, pioneers set out from here into the world to discover new countries and continents. Today, we are launching joint missions for the economic and innovation regions of the future from here. The doors of the Bildungscampus Heilbronn are wide open for this!”
The discussions and workshops showed, among other things, how the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) can be successfully implemented in the world of work and life, what challenges young talents face and what the future of mobility could look like. The second focus for the café in Braga is health and well-being. Isabelle Wachsmuth from the World Health Organization (WHO) and Dr Rose Ehemann from the Living Museum Wiehl demonstrated the positive influence of artistic activities on mental health. Creativity is a foundation for healthy ecosystems of the future.
The beginning of a journey
After the ceremonial signing of the founding document by the President of the Northern Portugal Region António Cunha, Mayor Ricardo Rio and Daniel Gottschald, all those involved looked to the future together. “This is just the beginning of a series of Erasmus initiatives in which bright talents will shape the sustainable society of tomorrow. We at TUM Campus Heilbronn are at your side and will actively accompany you along the way,” said Daniel Gottschald. Braga is the starting point for an international network of Erasmus Cafés, with further branches already planned in Kosovo, Turkey and Austria.
The last item on the schedule was colorful in the truest sense of the word. Isabelle Wachsmuth was inspired by the workshop participants and wielded her paintbrush in a painting session. The painting will find a new home in the Erasmus Café in Braga. The Managing Director of “Die TUM Campus Heilbronn gGmbH” made a final promise to his hosts: “On my next visit, you will receive a statement from me in Portuguese.”
Die TUM Campus Heilbronn gGmbH
Bildungscampus 2
74076 Heilbronn
Telefon: +49 (0) 7131 264180
Telefax: +49 (7131) 645636-27
Telefon: +49 (7131) 26418-501
E-Mail: Kerstin.Besemer@tumheilbronn-ggmbh.de