INNOTRANS 2024 at Messe Berlin!
INNOTRANS 2024 – „The future of mobility”; International trade fair for transport technology. As every two years, Lantech Communications Europe GmbH will be participating the international trade fair for transport technology from 24th until 27th September 2024 at Messe Berlin. Known as biggest international trade fair in transport technology, this event is a must-go for all companies and experts of the industry. With almost 3000 exhibitors from 56 different countries on an exhibition area of approximately 200.000 square meters, the INNOTRANS has about 140.000 visitors from around 137 countries all over the world. The fair is divided into five segments, which will be introduced and explained here more in detail until the event. The five segments are Railway Technology, Railway Infrastructure, Public Transport, Interiors and Tunnel Construction. All segments are a big part of Lantech Communications Europe GmbH operations; therefore, a stand will be hosted with our smart solutions in soft and hardware to further innovate the transport technology and the future of mobility!
We would be very happy to welcome you at our stand and talk about our products and smart solutions! If you want to talk with us in-depth, please register on the following link so that we can schedule enough time for all your topics:
You can find us at Hall 4.1, 350.
(Link for Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:7229789724746387456 )
Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:
Lantech Communications Europe GmbH
Philipp-Kachel-Str. 42a
63911 Klingenberg
Telefon: +49 (9372) 94510
Telefax: +49 (9372) 50959-99
Sandro Marx
Marketing Department
Telefon: +49 (9372) 50959-96
E-Mail: marketing@lantechcom.eu
Marketing Department
Telefon: +49 (9372) 50959-96
E-Mail: marketing@lantechcom.eu
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