
ADLINK Unveils Next-Generation Railway Technology at InnoTrans 2024



  • ADLINK will introduce the Passenger Information Display System (PIDS) and CompactPCI Systems and Cards.
  • Visitors can experience the power of AI in railway applications with the AVA-series product family.

ADLINK Technology Inc., a global leader in edge computing, will showcase its latest innovations in railway technology at InnoTrans 2024. The booth will feature three main sections, each dedicated to highlighting a unique aspect of their cutting-edge solutions:

  • Passenger Information Display Systems (PIDS) Experience: ADLINK’s latest PIDS solutions, developed in collaboration with AUO, showcase the future of passenger information systems. Visitors to the stand can explore interactive displays with different sizes and see firsthand how this technology enhances passenger experiences through real-time updates and engaging visual content.
  • Railway AI-PC (AVA-Series): Experience the transformative power of AI in railway applications with ADLINK’s AVA-series product family. A live demo will feature the AVA-7200 connected to a LiDAR system, showcasing advanced video analytics capabilities. Additionally, the AVA-1000 will be on display, offering a seamless bridge between moving trains and ground networks, ensuring that stationary, onboard, or wayside systems remain connected.
  • CompactPCI Systems and Cards: ADLINK’s comprehensive range of CompactPCI systems and cards, designed to meet the rigorous demands of railway environments, will be available to view. These solutions are engineered for exceptional reliability and efficiency, providing you with the reassurance of quality in every aspect of rail operations, from high-performance computing to reliable data acquisition.

Ryan Chiu, VP of ADLINK DMS+ & Rugged Computing BU said: “Driven by our successful experiences in both onboard and wayside applications, ADLINK’s latest solutions address the diverse needs of the railway industry. From optimising operations to enhancing passenger experiences, AI has every facet of rail transportation. As the railway industry continues to evolve, ADLINK remains at the forefront of driving innovation and progress.”

Visit us at the upcoming InnoTrans event in Hall 4.1, booth 672 and discover the future of rail transportation. For more information about ADLINK’s railway solutions, please visit ADLINK Railway Solutions.

Über die ADLINK Technology GmbH

ADLINK Technology Inc. (TAIEX:6166) leads edge computing, the catalyst for a world powered by artificial intelligence. ADLINK manufactures edge hardware and develops edge software for embedded, distributed, and intelligent computing – from powering medical PCs in the intensive care unit to building the world’s first high-speed autonomous race car – more than 1600 customers around the world trust ADLINK for mission-critical success. ADLINK holds top-tier edge partnerships with Intel, NVIDIA, AWS, and SAS, and also participates on the Intel Board of Advisors, ROS 2 Technical Steering Committee and Autoware Foundation Board. ADLINK contributes to open source, robotics, autonomous, IoT and 5G standards initiatives across 24+ consortiums, driving innovation in manufacturing, telecommunications, healthcare, energy, defense, transportation and infotainment. For over 28 years, with 1800+ ADLINKers and 200+ partners, ADLINK enables the technologies of today and tomorrow, advancing technology and society around the world. Follow ADLINK Technology on LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook or visit adlinktech.com.

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

ADLINK Technology GmbH
Hans-Thoma-Str. 8-10
68163 Mannheim
Telefon: +49 (621) 4321466
Telefax: +49 (621) 4321430

Megan King
Telefon: +44 7855060775
E-Mail: megan.king@publitek.com
Karen Kulinski
EMEA Marketing Director
Telefon: +49 (151) 126677-36
E-Mail: karen.kulinski@adlinktech.com
Chi Angela Lan
EMEA Marketing Manager
E-Mail: chi.lan@adlinktech.com
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