The largest battery in the world
The mega-battery is said to be able to store 130 million times more energy than a laptop. An iron-air battery is used for this. The aim is to be able to store 8,500 megawatt hours of energy. The Ministry of Energy has earmarked 147 million US dollars for this project. The previous record is held by the Edwards and Sanborn solar and storage project in California. It uses more than 120,000 batteries and can store almost 3,300 megawatt hours. With the energy from the new mega-battery, an electric car could circle the globe 1,228 times. The iron-air battery works with a new type of battery system. When the battery is discharged, it absorbs oxygen from the air and turns the iron in the battery into rust. When charging, the rust is converted back into iron and oxygen is released into the air.
Lithium-ion batteries are used in everyday technology. Although iron-air batteries have some advantages over the lithium-ion batteries used today – no heavy metals, low cost – there is no chance that they will replace lithium-ion batteries in consumer electronics. In addition, iron-air batteries charge and discharge very slowly and are therefore not suitable for electric cars and smartphones. They also cannot be designed small enough to be installed in everyday devices. The planned mega-battery is intended to provide a reliable and cost-effective grid. It remains to be seen whether this will succeed. At any rate, lithium-ion batteries are currently being used.
This requires battery raw materials such as those held by Green Bridge Metals – https://www.rohstoff-tv.com/mediathek/unternehmen/profile/green-bridge-metals-corp/ – in its projects in Manitoba and Ontario (nickel, copper, platinum).
Cobalt and nickel are supplied by Canada Nickel Company – https://www.commodity-tv.com/ondemand/companies/profil/canada-nickel-company-inc/ -. Its notable Crawford project is located in Ontario and is wholly owned by the company.
Current company information and press releases from Canada Nickel Company (- https://www.resource-capital.ch/de/unternehmen/canada-nickel-company-inc/ -) and Green Bridge Metals (- https://www.resource-capital.ch/de/unternehmen/green-bridge-metals-corp/ -).
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