Inclusion instead of illusion – ARJES shows how it’s done
ARJES GmbH, known for its close collaboration with Ukraine and its employment of several staff members with Ukrainian roots, ensured that language barriers would not be an issue. In April, Maxim began an internship in the paint shop. Ina Schäfer supported him during the first few weeks and was impressed by how quickly Maxim integrated into the work and the team. His dedication and teamwork with his colleagues turned the internship into a complete success.
The possibility of employing Maxim after his internship through an "external workplace" was under discussion. This employment model allows people with disabilities to work in companies on the open labor market while still remaining within the protected framework of a workshop for people with disabilities. Unfortunately, in July 2024, funding for this program was discontinued by the relevant funding bodies. Despite this setback, ARJES GmbH decided to offer Maxim a permanent position due to his excellent work and the positive feedback from his team. Bianca Brodrecht (Head of Administration) and Kristina Grunewald (Executive Assistant) personally ensured that a permanent employment contract was arranged as quickly as possible. Since August 1, 2024, Maxim has been a full member of the paint shop team, making a significant contribution to the production of ARJES shredding machines.
"We are grateful for the good cooperation and regular communication with diakoniewert e.V. We would especially like to thank them for the direct recommendation," said Kristina Grunewald. "We are pleased to have gained a valuable employee in Maxim, who is now bringing his strengths to our company."
This successful inclusion demonstrates the importance of not only providing opportunities for people in need of support but also offering them long-term security. The close collaboration between diakoniewert e.V., ARJES GmbH, and Maxim Kurt is a shining example of what can be achieved through the commitment and appreciative communication of all parties involved.
ARJES GmbH specialises in the development and manufacturing of high-performance recycling machines that are used to treat numerous types of waste. Since foundation in the year 2007, the company stand for innovative product developments in the field of machine and plant engineering and a successful corporate strategy.
With taking over EuRec Environmental Technology GmbH inclusive all buildings and properties of the headquarters, since 2023 ARJES manufactures and sells industrial shredding machines in Merkers, Thuringia.
Borntalstraße 9
36460 Krayenberggemeinde
Telefon: +49 (36969) 58-0
Telefon: +49 (3695) 85 855-265
Fax: +49 (3695) 85 855-14
E-Mail: martin.priewe@arjes.de