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Sustainability in practice: CU Innovation Day discusses the future of sustainable composite materials

The CU Innovation Day “Sustainable Composites for Future Applications” on September 25 and 26, 2024, hosted by Ceramic Composites, CU Bau and MAI Carbon of Composites United e.V. brought together around 80 participants. Held in partnership with Kordsa at its Sabanci Technology Center in Garching near Munich, this event underscored the focus on sustainable construction solutions, CFRP (carbon fiber reinforced plastics) for hydrogen applications and CMC (ceramic matrix composites) for sustainable applications. The event attracted leading experts, decision-makers and specialists in the industry. The political support of Mr. Bernhard Pohl, Freie Wähler (MdL), underlined the importance for the industry.

This CU Innovation Day, in cooperation with Kordsa, a subsidiary of Sabanci Holding, brought together expertise in three different material classes as part of a two-day event with high-profile speakers: carbon fiber-reinforced plastics, ceramic matrix composites and fiber-reinforced lightweight construction. The contributions focused on the following main topics in three lecture sessions:

▶ Resource-saving materials and the circular economy in buildings

▶ Lightweight design in hydrogen storage for mobility and energy technology

▶ Fiber-reinforced ceramics enable leap innovations in the energy transition

CU Innovation Day „Sustainable Composites” – Topics that matter

Session 1: Resource-efficient materials and circular economy in the construction sector

The presentations in this session offered deep insights into the role of CFRP in civil engineering and their enormous potential for innovative and sustainable construction. For example, the speakers presented practical case studies on the reinforcement of structures with carbon fiber fabrics, introduced the use of low-CO2 carbon fibers to improve the environmental balance, and highlighted the possibilities of carbon grid reinforcements in conjunction with mineral binders, considering CO2 reduction.

Session 2: Lightweight hydrogen storage for mobility and energy technology

Bernhard Pohl (MdL), deputy parliamentary leader of the Freie Wähler, introduced this second session and emphasized the importance of lightweight construction for Bavarian industry in his speech. He summed up how important foreign settlements – such as Kordsa – are in Bavaria.

The speakers at this session agreed that the importance of carbon fibers in the production of hydrogen tanks is undisputed. Nevertheless, some fields of research were also discussed, for example, to minimize the use of fibers, to integrate sensors or to use recycled carbon fibers. The goal is to achieve an ideal balance between material use and product performance, while taking into account the necessary safety aspects.

Session 3: Fiber-reinforced ceramics for leap innovations in the energy transition

On day two, the third session’s panel of experts discussed the latest developments in the production of ceramic matrix composites (CMC) and their sustainable applications in the energy and automotive industries. For example, the current state of oxide fiber production was shown, new developments in the prepreg sector were reported, and new processes for the large-scale production of Ox/Ox ceramics were presented.

A network that works

This CU Innovation Day has once again proven how crucial networks are for progress and innovation in the composites industry. Together with Kordsa, CU has created a platform that serves as an example of effective knowledge transfer and dialog. The event highlighted the importance of networks by bringing together various players from industry and science. These exchanges set new standards for future collaborations, highlighting the importance of a strong network and showing how joint efforts can drive innovation. Composites United e.V. would like to thank its host Kordsa for this successful CU Innovation Day.

About Kordsa

Founded in 1973 as a subsidiary of Sabanci Holding, Kordsa is a global player in composite technologies, tire and construction reinforcement and compounding. Kordsa operates on 4 continents, in 7 countries: Türkiye, Brazil, Germany, Indonesia, Thailand, Italy, and the U.S., employing more than 4500 people. In November 2023, the Sabanci Technology Center was opened on the Technical University of Munich (TUM) grounds. As an innovation hub, the state-of-the-art complex drives research and development of new technologies and sustainable products to make them accessible to the European market.

Reinforcing its global leadership in advanced materials, Kordsa is dedicated to reinforcing life by advancing sustainability and technology by focusing on innovative solutions for the aviation, automotive and construction industries.

Über den Composites United e.V.

Composites United e.V. (CU) ist eines der weltweit größten Netzwerke für faserbasierten multimaterialen Leichtbau. Rund 350 Mitglieder haben sich zu diesem leistungsstarken Industrie- und Forschungsverbund zusammengeschlossen. Mehrere Regional- und Fachabteilungen tragen die Vereinsaktivitäten in der gesamten DACH-Region, dazu kommen internationale Vertretungen in Japan, Süd-Korea, China und Indien.

Der Composites United e.V. entstand mit Wirkung zum 01. Januar 2019 aus der Fusion der beiden vorbestehenden Vereine Carbon Composites e.V. und CFK Valley e.V. Sitz des Composites United e.V. ist Berlin, daneben bleiben Augsburg und Stade als eingeführte Standorte erhalten.

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

Composites United e.V.
Jägerstraße 54-55
10117 Berlin
Telefon: +49 (351) 463 42641
Telefax: +49 (351) 463 42642

Verena Draeger
Marketing & Öffentlichkeitsarbeit
Telefon: 082126841110
E-Mail: verena.draeger@composites-united.com
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