Customized radar test benches with temperature control from Telemeter Electronic
For many years, Telemeter Electronic has been manufacturing customized RF-test chambers. In cooperation with dSPACE, Telemeter Electronic now offers customized radar test benches as well. For each radar test bench, Telemeter Electronic offers a customized design that is optimally tailored to the specific requirements. The company places particular emphasis on the integration of a motorized or manual motion actuator to ensure flexible use. The focus is also on seamless integration of the dSPACE Automotive Radar Test System (DARTS), which was developed for precise and efficient radar testing. Optionally, it is possible to connect to the dSPACE real-time system to further optimize the performance of the radar test bench. Many of these radars are exposed to temperature fluctuations in their actual application, which makes it essential to test the radars under real temperature conditions. These tests can take place during product development, the prototype phase and in the production process. This is why Telemeter Electronic is expanding its well-known portfolio of radar test benches with a Thermo-Box, which can be seamlessly integrated into their measuring chambers. In conjunction with an external thermal streamer, this thermal box provides an insulated area in which the radars can be exposed to different temperature cycles. The new box is a space-saving solution for optimum integration of your radars. With an impressive temperature range of -85 °C to +250 °C (depending on the model), for example, it enables versatile application scenarios. The low one-way attenuation of 0.06 dB up to 81 GHz ensures precise measurements. An unrestricted field of view (FoV) in the direction of radiation optimizes data acquisition. The design of the Thermo-Box is individually adapted to the customer’s requirements to ensure optimum performance. In addition, Telemeter Electronic offers freely definable automation solutions for control, measurement and operating concepts to facilitate the use of the Thermo-Box. Optional 2D and 3D positioning systems are available to further increase flexibility and precision. However, the new Thermo-Box is only available in conjunction with Telemeter Electronic’s radar test benches. The competent team at Telemeter Electronic is always available to answer customers‘ questions.
Über Telemeter Europe
Telemeter Electronic has been a certified sales and service company since 1964, with a focus on solution oriented thinking and acting. We are technically competent partners for our customers and attach great importance to personal and technical support. With regional locations we are active in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Slovakia and the Czech Republic and are always close to you.
Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:
Telemeter Europe
Joseph-Gänsler-Straße 10
86609 Donauwörth
Telefon: +49 (906) 70693-0
Telefax: +49 (906) 70693-50
Edna Seiler
Telefon: 004990670693-60
E-Mail: eseiler@telemeter.de
Telefon: 004990670693-60
E-Mail: eseiler@telemeter.de
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