
Management buy-out

Hertwich Engineering GmbH, a leading global supplier of technologies for aluminum foundries, is being acquired by the management team consisting of Gerold Keune (CEO), Jürgen Doblhofer (COO), Hubert Mayringer (Director Engineering), and Ludwig Manhartseder (Director Electrical & Automation) as part of a management buy-out. This will see 100 percent of the company transferred from SMS group to its new owners. The transaction was formally completed on December 16, 2024.

“We are proud of our customers’ high satisfaction with Hertwich’s leading melting, casting and homogenizing plants and technology, which is currently reflected in our record order backlog. As an independent company, we plan to significantly increase our investments in capacity expansions and product innovations in the future, aimed at better supporting growth and technological progress in the aluminum industry. Going forward, we intend to continue working with SMS group on important projects to promote a carbon-neutral aluminum industry,” says Gerold Keune. “The decisive factor that made the management takeover of Hertwich Engineering possible in the first place is the many years of trusting relationships with our business partners, for which I would like to express my sincere thanks at this point.”

Since 1993, Hertwich Engineering has been part of SMS group, a world leader in plants, equipment, and services for the metals industry. Hertwich has around 200 employees. The company has locations in Braunau am Inn and Weng im Innkreis in Upper Austria.

About Hertwich Engineering
Hertwich Engineering is renowned for its future-oriented, energy saving technologies and outstanding service in aluminium casthouses. The company is active worldwide with design, supply, construction and commissioning of special machinery and equipment for the Aluminium industry. Hertwich is competent for supplying complete Al-casthouse on a turnkey basis (one-stop-shopping). The product range comprises melting equipment for aluminium scrap, horizontal and vertical casting machines, continuous and batch homogenizing plants, sawing plants and quality inspection equipment, etc. To stay ahead Hertwich relies on its own R&D and proprietary know-how. For 50 years, the advanced technology has revolutionized the industry and the company maintains its worldwide lead.

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Über die SMS group GmbH

SMS group is renowned worldwide for its future-oriented technologies and outstanding service for the metals industry. The company applies its 150 years of experience and its digital know-how to provide the industry continuously with innovative products and processes – even beyond its core business – and generates worldwide sales of around 3.4 billion euros. SMS is the right partner for challenging projects and supports its customers throughout the lifecycle of their plants, enabling profitable and resource-efficient value creation chains. Paving the way for a carbon-neutral and sustainable metals industry is the company’s stated goal. As a global player with German roots, SMS takes responsibility for more than 14,000 employees.

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

SMS group GmbH
Eduard-Schloemann-Straße 4
40237 Düsseldorf
Telefon: +49 (211) 881-0
Telefax: +49 (211) 881-4902

André Schaefer
Senior Communications Manager
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