
Revolutionising caregiving

Moving hospital beds can pose real challenges for caregivers, especially when the bed and patient have to be manoeuvred over an incline. At ArabHealth 2025, the company TENTE will present WeAssist™ – a ground-breaking solution that makes moving beds significantly easier: a powered castor that recognises movements and assists caregivers.

Innovative ergonomics for the healthcare sector

The most important resource in a hospital is the staff. For this reason, the companies LINAK and TENTE are committed to improving working conditions in the healthcare sector. WeAssist™ is an innovative mobility system that recognises the user’s intentions and provides support for every driving manoeuvre: It ensures easy and comfortable driving, whether straight ahead or up and down inclines, and it actively assists with braking, thereby protecting the back, shoulders, knees, and hips of the caregiver.

Technology and functionality

The electric drive is provided by one of the four castors, the TENTE Integral assist castor. This castor is just as easy to install as any of the other castors. The castor is connected to a battery and control box from LINAK. The installation takes no time. No additional controls are necessary to operate the castor, and all parts are plug and play. That is also why upgrading beds that are already in use is a breeze.

Specially developed software ensures that the bed can be controlled with precision using only a little effort. It responds to how hard the caregiver pushes, recognises inclines, and provides the support needed for every movement. A special button to obtain driving assistance for the bed is not necessary.

LINAK and TENTE have collected user statements in a field test: "It was a huge relief. You only had to vaguely indicate a small direction, and then the bed practically drove by itself", says Sylke Förster (59), Surgical Nurse.

Efficiency and relief for caregivers

Given the high-cost pressures experienced in healthcare, WeAssist™ offers a cost-effective solution: existing beds can be easily retrofitted, keeping the initial costs down. Beds that are already equipped with LINAK and TENTE systems can be upgraded in a matter of minutes. WeAssist™ can also easily be integrated into new beds with minimal effort and at an affordable price. The benefits for caregivers in terms of better and healthier working conditions are enormous.

WeAssist™ is the result of a powerful alliance between LINAK and TENTE.


Group Headquarters
Smedevænget 8, Guderup
DK-6430 Nordborg, Denmark


Herrlinghausen 75
42929 Wermelskirchen, Germany

Über die TENTE International GmbH

TENTE International ist ein weltweit führender Hersteller von hochwertigen Rollen und Rädern. Seit der Gründung im Jahr 1923 hat sich das Unternehmen kontinuierlich weiterentwickelt und ist heute auf fünf Kontinenten vertreten. Mit innovativen Ideen, perfektionierten Produkten und maßgeschneiderten Lösungen setzt TENTE Maßstäbe in der Branche. Unsere Produkte finden Anwendung in verschiedenen Bereichen wie Medizin, Industrie, Möbel und Transport. TENTE steht für Qualität, Zuverlässigkeit und nachhaltige Produktion. Unser Ziel ist es, durch bessere Mobilität das Leben unserer Kunden zu verbessern. Weitere Informationen finden Sie auf unserer Website unter

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

TENTE International GmbH
Herrlinghausen 71 – Campus
42929 Wermelskirchen
Telefon: +49 (2196) 99-0

Daniela Maschmann
Content Manager
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