
BST presents innovative solutions for the optimization of web-processing processes and gives a lecture at the ICE conference

Increasing demands on quality, efficiency and sustainability are driving digitalization in the web-processing industry. At ICE Europe 2025 in Munich, BST GmbH, a leading supplier of quality assurance systems, will be presenting innovative solutions to make production processes smarter and more efficient. From March 11 to 13, BST will be presenting the latest developments in the areas of web guiding, surface inspection, web monitoring and 100% inspection. The trade fair appearance will be complemented by a presentation at the ICE Conference, in which BST will show how technical networking is revolutionizing the industry and giving companies a competitive edge.

SMARTData – The intelligent solution for networked production processes

With SMARTData, BST presents its 2nd generation workflow, which further increases the quality of web processing, simplifies work processes and automates them across all processes. SMARTData integrates seamlessly into existing prepress and MIS systems and enables centralized control and analysis of production processes. The data is stored in a modern database with a RESTful API and can be synchronized across multiple processes as a digital twin. This results in more accurate process data, forming the foundation for troubleshooting and error prevention in subsequent processes. Customers benefit from considerable time savings thanks to centralized data entry and a reduction in rejects and complaints.

Web guiding control: New standards in operability

With the Commander SMART COM 100, BST presents a new, intuitive operating concept for web guiding control, enabling seamless operation of both sensor and control unit from a single interface for the first time. Together with the new ekr CON 610 control unit, the new CLS CAM 200 line and contrast sensor offers more precise control and is considerably more compact than its predecessor model. The exact positioning of the processed material effectively minimizes waste and downtime, ultimately increasing productivity.

iPQ-Check: AI-based inspection for the highest print quality

100% print image inspection combined with high-quality web inspection: the iPQ-Check inspection system helps customers sustainably enhance print quality. With the new iPQ-Check Digital, BST offers a solution that is specially designed for fully digital printing systems and enables fully automatic inspection from the first print format. Thanks to SMARTData, the system is fully integrated into the customer’s workflow, enabling operator-free job setup and automatic job changeover. AI-supported defect detection enables more precise classification of defects and the creation of customer-specific defect categories. This helps the customer concentrate on relevant defects and make informed decision – fully customized to their process.

COATINGControl® and SLITTINGControl®: Efficiency boosters for battery production

Maximum precision is essential in the production of lithium-ion batteries. This is where the intelligent, networked systems COATINGControl® and SLITTINGControl® come in: The systems ensure exact positioning of the coating geometry and minimize even the smallest quality-relevant errors. The web-based user interface and automated calibration routine also make operation easier and increase efficiency.

iPQ-Surface: High-end surface inspection for 100 % quality

The iPQ-Surface inspection system ensures the highest quality in material production and further processing. It combines state-of-the-art camera technology with innovative lighting to make even the smallest defects visible. The system is customizable and offers a modular concept for lighting and camera options. The system for inspecting transparent and opaque films will be presented at ICE Europe 2025.

Long-term quality improvement with innovative and proven solutions

In addition to thekey focus areas mentioned, , BST will showcase its proven solutions  at ICE Europe 2025, including the FRAMEGuide for web guiding and PROView for web monitoring. Renowned for their high precision and reliability, these proven systems, like all BST solutions, increaselong-term efficiency, ensure the first-class quality of production products and sustainably optimize customer processes – all in line with the BST promise of "More performance".

About BST

BST GmbH, an elexis Group company, is one of the leading suppliers of quality assurance systems for web processing industries. The Bielefeld-based company offers solutions for web guiding, surface inspection, web monitoring, 100% inspection, color measurement, color management, register control and automation. The company has decades of practical expertise in these areas, with installations at more than 15,000 customers worldwide in the printing and packaging, paper and film, rubber and tire, battery and fuel cell, and printed and organic electronics industries. BST stands for high-quality quality monitoring, smooth production processes and first-class service worldwide.

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

elexis AG
Industriestr. 1
57482 Wenden
Telefon: +49 (2762) 612-130
Telefax: +49 (2762) 612-135

Sonja Intze
Senior Consultant
Telefon: +49 (2131) 66156-53
Konrad Hünerfeld
Head of Corporate Communications
Telefon: +492762612286
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