Energie- / Umwelttechnik

Difference makers: Sorocaba’s rhythm of life

At first glance, music and machinery might seem worlds apart. But for Sorocaba, half of the renowned duo Fernando & Sorocaba, they’re two sides of the same coin. Both serve as powerful tools to connect people, nurture creativity, and build lasting legacies. 

In his newly refurbished office, affectionately called ‘The Shack,’ Sorocaba sits surrounded by the lush fields and grazing horses that define his farm. “This place brings together everything I love: music, horses, and barbecue!” he says with a smile. It’s a sanctuary where tradition meets innovation, and Yanmar’s compact equipment is playing a starring role in bringing it all together. 

A life rooted in the land 

Sorocaba’s bond with the countryside runs deep. Born in São Paulo and raised in the inland city of Sorocaba, from which he takes his stage name, he discovered his love for horses and music at a young age. “My grandfather’s farm, nestled in Brazil’s rural heartlands, was where I first connected with the countryside,” he recalls. It was also in this very setting that sertanejo music, now the country’s most popular genre, first took root in the 1920s. Similar to the country music in the United States, it celebrates resilience, simplicity, and community – values that deeply resonate with Sorocaba’s life and music. These themes shine through in his lyrics, such as in Fazendinha de Madeira (Little Wooden Farm):

"Let me dream of my little wooden farm, 
A wide field of greenery, 
And a horse waiting for me by the gate." 

“This song reflects what the countryside means to me,” he shares. “It’s a place of simplicity, connection, and inspiration – exactly what I hope to pass down to my children.” 

Harmonising innovation and tradition 

For the last year, Yanmar machinery has been essential part of his farm in the municipality of Sorocaba, where he specialises in Coast Cross and Tifton hay production, alongside horse breeding. The versatility of Yanmar’s Zero Tail excavator, the ViO17 has particularly proven invaluable: “The ViO17 solved a lot of issues we had on the stud farm, replacing a great deal of manual labour,” Sorocaba explains. “It has completely transformed the dynamics of my practices. If I need a lamppost, I can install it quickly. If I need to dig the land and lay a pipe, it’s highly efficient. Even for building foundations, it solves a wide variety of problems.” 

This adaptability reflects Yanmar’s design philosophy, rooted in the Japanese concept of Koto-Uri, which emphasises providing multiple solutions through a single product. The ViO17 compact excavator embodies this ethos with its interchangeable attachments, turning it into a Swiss Army Knife capable of tackling a wide range of tasks. “Whether it’s installing fences, digging irrigation, or maintaining horse stalls, the excavator adds incredible value and boosts productivity like nothing else. I’ve never seen anything like it,” Sorocaba shares. 

Beyond its practicality, Yanmar equipment has also strengthened Sorocaba’s family bonds. “My son Theo’s love for machinery started early — his third word was ‘tractor,’ although he pronounced it ‘tactor’” Sorocaba recalls with a laugh. “Driving the machines has become a special bonding moment, just as it was with my grandfather.” 

The Sorocaba Effect 

Sorocaba’s partnership with Yanmar has sparked a wave of innovation in his region. Farmers inspired by the transformative impact of Yanmar machinery on his farm began adopting it themselves, creating a ripple effect of progress. “Now, Yanmar machines are everywhere in my community, especially the ViO range,” he shares. “The market is growing so fast, and it’s inspiring to see so many benefiting from these machines.” 

He proudly reflects on the agricultural community. “The South leads agribusiness everywhere. Their resilience is remarkable, and Yanmar machinery is the cherry on top – helping farmers do more, work smarter, and achieve better results.” 

Sorocaba and Yanmar’s next chapter 

Looking to the future, Sorocaba is excited about the opportunities ahead. “This year, I’ll join you at the trade fair Agrishow! We’re both like artists, traveling to different cities and sharing our craft. I’m proud to partner with Yanmar in 2025. You’ve built something extraordinary in Brazil, and I’m honoured to be part of it.” 

Through his music, his work on the farm, and his dedication to uplifting others, Sorocaba embodies the essence of a Difference Maker. His journey is a testament to creativity, embracing opportunities, and inspiring those around him to do the same. As his lyrics from Livre perfectly capture: 

"Life is too short to stop; 
Keep turning, all night until the break of day." 

About Yanmar Compact Equipment 

Yanmar Compact Equipment (Yanmar CE) is a global leader in the design, manufacture and support of compact equipment for a range of segments, principally construction and other earthmoving applications. Its products include extensive ranges of mini and midi excavators, wheel loaders, wheeled excavators, compact track loaders and tracked carriers. These are supported by a wide range of services designed to ensure customer success. A global company with proud Japanese heritage, Yanmar CE has manufacturing facilities in Asia, Europe and North America – and an extensive international dealer network. Renowned for its innovative approach – it was the first to market with the now-benchmark mini-excavator, and is credited with popularizing the zero-tail swing concept – Yanmar CE remains a trusted brand known for its reliability, performance and commitment to customer satisfaction. These traits are demonstrated through the company’s tagline – ‘Building with you’.  

For more details, please visit the official website. https://www.yanmar.com/global/construction/  

About Yanmar  

With beginnings in Osaka, Japan in 1912, Yanmar was the first ever to succeed in making a compact diesel engine of a practical size in 1933. Moving on, with industrial diesel engines as the cornerstone of the enterprise, Yanmar has continued to expand its product range, services, and expertise to deliver total solutions as an industrial equipment manufacturer. As a provider of small and large engines, agricultural machinery and facilities, construction equipment, energy systems, marine, machine tools, and components — Yanmar’s global business operations span seven domains.  

On land, at sea, and in the city, Yanmar’s Mission of “providing sustainable solutions focused on the challenges customers face, in food production and harnessing power, thereby enriching people’s lives for all our tomorrows,” stands testament to Yanmar’s determination to provide us with “A Sustainable Future”.  

For more details, please check out the official website of Yanmar Holding 

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

YANMAR Energy System Europe GmbH
Elbestraße 2-4
45768 Marl
Telefon: 02365 92490-44
Telefax: 02365 92490-59

Valeria Iervolino
Global Marketing & Communications
Telefon: +39 (380) 5820-485
E-Mail: valeria_iervolino@yanmar.com
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