
Digital guide


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Automation systems are becoming more intelligent and powerful, but also more complex. This leads to a higher probability of errors in the installation and connection of machine components. At the same time, the shortage of skilled workers is making it increasingly difficult to find specialists with an electrical engineering background. Murrelektronik has developed an intelligent digital solution that solves all these challenges at once: uKonn-X.

Murrelektronik has developed uKonn-X from scratch over the last two years in its newly established Global Business Unit ‘Digital Solutions’ and is currently working on the market launch with pilot customers.

uKonn-X stands for ‘you connect anything’ – and this name says it all: like a guide, the digital system leads the user step by step through even complex installations or commissioning in an easy-to-understand manner.

Murrelektronik uses a source that is already available on electrical components or assemblies: the user scans the printed, machine-readable code on the component using a handheld scanner or mobile phone – and the system links this information to the electrical and mechanical data of the machine or system.

Using the available machine data and information, uKonn-X links the electrical schematic to a virtual 2D or 3D model – and guides the user safely through it. Just like a navigation system in a car or on a smartphone, the user receives clear visual instructions for each individual installation step – and the system warns the user, just like a navigation system, if they have taken a ‘wrong turn’, for example, when they have accidentally selected the wrong installation location or plug.

The future of electrical installation

In concrete terms, this means that uKonn-X shows the user which components he has to connect in the next step on the scanned circuit diagram as well as on the 2D or 3D model of the machine. The system can easily map job-specific installation sequences. At the same time, illuminated status LEDs on the corresponding field bus modules in the machine indicate the correct slot.

Once a step has been successfully completed, the user confirms this in the system – and uKonn-X automatically writes complete technical documentation of the real installation in the background.

The future of electrical installation is therefore a revolution similar to the development of navigation systems and can be summed up in three words: scan, install, document.

Digitally supported processes ensure safety

What used to be the exclusive domain of qualified electrical engineers, but which in practice often proved to be error-prone, will in future be child’s play, much faster and error-free, because the system immediately recognizes and displays incorrect individual steps. 

The actual machine installed, with all its components, is fully digitally documented and therefore available at all times, ensuring a loss-free flow of information in the event of personnel changes. If changes need to be made to the machine during installation or later during operation, these can be quickly and easily corrected in the system, commented on and communicated to the parties involved – for example, the design department. In addition, productivity and efficiency measurements for each operation ensure better production planning and optimized resource management.

Open system

uKonn-X is deliberately designed to be open across all interfaces and supports components and modules from all manufacturers. In addition, the solution is designed for all common data formats, ensuring compatibility with all design software and their formats.

However, uKonn-X really comes into its own when used in conjunction with Murrelektronik’s consistently decentralized Vario-X installation system. This is because all components can be connected directly in the field using the plug & play principle – and not via time-consuming and error-prone point-to-point wiring in the control cabinet.

The advantages of Murrelektronik’s decentralized installation technology are well illustrated by a typical challenge in many intralogistic applications – the installation of several, often identical cameras, sensors or actuators in the right place: the use of pre-assembled cables and hybrid switches significantly reduces the number of plug connections compared to individual wiring and terminal boxes. This significantly reduces both complexity and the potential for error.

When these two revolutionary ideas are combined, the potential savings in installation costs are particularly high, regardless of the size and complexity of the system, as testing and documentation costs are also eliminated.

The future of automation – it’s already here at Murrelektronik.

Next developments already in the pipeline

Of course, a digital pilot is a good idea not only for machine installation and commissioning, but also for the servicing of the plant and its components.

That is why the uKonn-X team is already working hard on further solutions to make this work easier and improve quality in the long term. For example, a comprehensive product database that will make it even easier for everyone to implement applications in the future.

This means: Thanks to Murrelektronik, other areas of automation will soon experience a revolution similar to the one currently taking place in machine installation.

Über die Murrelektronik GmbH

Making industrial automation as simple, seamless and cost-efficient as possible with smart solutions: Murrelektronik is the forerunner in decentralized electrical automation technology and has become, based on this DNA, the leading company in this field. Murrelektronik’s solutions bring signals, data and power close to the process, eliminating the need for control cabinets. For around 50 years, more and more customers worldwide from all manufacturing industries have placed their trust in this special expertise. Headquartered in Oppenweiler, Germany, the successful family-owned company has an extensive network of over 3,200 experts in more than 50 countries. With several global production and logistics locations, Murrelektronik is close to its customers to solve their diverse challenges quickly and smartly. The company has continued to expand its portfolio and covers a wide range – from connectors to I/O systems, power supplies and network technology up to the fast and easy installable, modular complete solution for cabinet-free automation, called Vario-X. As part of the plug and play mindset, Murrelektronik also offers holistic digital services supporting installation, commissioning and maintenance. Learn more here: www.murrelektronik.com

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

Murrelektronik GmbH
Grabenstraße 29
71570 Oppenweiler
Telefon: +49 (7191) 47-0
Telefax: +49 (7191) 47-491000

Mark Böttger
Head of Corporate Communications
Telefon: +49 174 658 1660
E-Mail: mark.boettger@murrelektronik.de
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