Energie- / Umwelttechnik

Doosan Lentjes at the Berlin Waste Management and Energy 2025 Conference

Doosan Lentjes was once again represented as a sponsor and active participant at this year’s Berlin Conference on Waste Management and Energy (Berliner Konferenz Abfallwirtschaft und Energie, BKAWE). The event, which is known as a "class reunion" for thermal waste treatment in German-speaking countries, set a new attendance record this year with about 500 participants. This once again confirmed the high relevance of the format for professional dialogue in the industry.

Core topics of the conference – focus on CO₂ reduction and circular economy

The BKAWE shed light on a wide range of topics relating to the future of the circular economy and thermal waste treatment. In addition to legal and economic aspects, the focus was also on current developments in plant technology, heat planning and operating experience. A particular focus this year was on technologies for CO₂ capture and utilisation, which are becoming increasingly important for a sustainable transformation of the industry.

As part of the conference, Doosan Lentjes, together with Stadtwerke Dinslaken, presented the Dinslaken Wood Energy Centre (Dinslakener Holz-Energiezentrum, DHE) in the "Special Waste" session. In the lecture "Concept, performance and initial operating experience of the DHE", the technological features of the plant and initial findings from its operation were presented.

The Dinslaken Wood Energy Centre – a milestone for sustainable heat supply

The DHE is a state-of-the-art thermal treatment plant for waste wood that processes around 200,000 tonnes of fuel every year. The two incineration lines with water-cooled reciprocating grate supplied by Doosan Lentjes enable efficient and sustainable energy generation. The sophisticated flue gas cleaning system with Circoclean® & SCR technology ensures compliance with the strict European BREF emission requirements. Acid gases, dioxins and furans as well as heavy metals are separated in the Circoclean® reactor, while selective catalytic reduction (SCR) removes nitrogen oxides.

Through the combination of combined heat and power (CHP) and sustainable fuel use, the DHE makes a significant contribution to decarbonising the regional energy supply. The annual CO₂ savings amount to around 125,000 tonnes by replacing fossil fuels with climate-neutral fuels.​

Initial operating experience was also presented in the lecture, showing that the plant is stable, highly efficient and emissions remain well below the legal requirements. With a total thermal capacity of 2 × 49.5 MWth, the DHE is a reliable source of heat for the district heating network in the Lower Rhine region.

Carbon capture use / storage ready – concepts for CO₂ reduction

In order to meet future market requirements for CO₂ reduction, Doosan Lentjes is developing solutions for Carbon Capture Use/Storage (CCUS) that enable subsequent CO₂ capture in thermal waste treatment. This also includes measures to increase the CO₂ concentration in the flue gas in order to increase the efficiency of the CO₂ capture plant. In addition to the established amine scrubbing process, the company is also investigating alternative separation technologies such as the hot potassium carbonate process.

Doosan Lentjes remains open to further innovative approaches to CO₂ capture, including carbonate looping based on the fluidised bed process. These concepts offer promising prospects for the decarbonisation of thermal waste treatment and contribute to the further development of climate-friendly energy generation.

Über die Doosan Lentjes GmbH

Doosan Lentjes focuses on environmental technologies for the efficient use of resources in the sense of a sustainable circular economy. With our proprietary processes for incineration, steam generation and flue gas cleaning, we supply tailor-made partial plants for thermal waste and sewage sludge treatment. Expertise in the circulating fluidised bed rounds off our range of services.

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

Doosan Lentjes GmbH
Daniel-Goldbach-Straße 19
40880 Ratingen
Telefon: +49 (2102) 166-0
Telefax: +49 (2102) 166-2500

Diana Baganz
Senior Marketing Manager
Telefon: +49 (2102) 1661476
Fax: +49 (2102) 1662476
E-Mail: diana.baganz@doosan.com
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