
Flexible product family for stable cleanliness with low cleaning unit costs

Ecoclean has expanded the cost-efficient EcoCcompact to include the L and XL model variants to meet the diverse requirements of general industry. The new product family with three working chamber sizes and batch weights of up to 150 kg enables the capacity and cleaning performance to be adapted precisely to company-specific requirements. Sophisticated equipment details, an effective washing mechanism and high energy efficiency keep cleaning unit costs low. In addition, the compact plug and play solvent systems can be easily converted from hydrocarbon to modified alcohol. 

The diverse product range of the general industry includes workpieces produced by casting and machining, stamped, bent, pressed and deep-drawn parts, hydraulic and pneumatic components as well as fasteners. Depending on the subsequent process or application, the parts manufactured from different materials must meet different but increasingly stringent particulate and film cleanliness requirements. High throughputs, increased demands on resource efficiency and, in some cases, low margins pose a challenge.

Cost-effective and flexible cleaning

As a result, the cleaning process must ensure cleanliness in line with requirements in a stable, sustainable manner and at low unit costs. For these tasks, Ecoclean has expanded the cost-efficient EcoCcompact product family with the L and XL model variants. As with its smaller sister, it is easy to switch between hydrocarbons and modified alcohols (semi-polar solvents) during operation without any conversion work.

The two new, compact plug and play solvent systems have working chambers with diameters of 650 (L) and 750 mm (XL), enabling batch sizes of 650 x 470 300 mm in the L version and 650 x 470 x 400 mm in the XL version. The maximum batch weight for both systems is 150 kg. Powerful, frequency-controlled flood pumps ensure fast filling and emptying of the working chamber. During standard injection flood washing, they generate a high mechanical cleaning effect. This can be specifically supported by an optionally integrated, frequency-controlled rotary drive for fabric rotation and positioning. Adapted to the cleanliness requirements, the systems can also be equipped with all available process technologies for solvent cleaning, such as ultrasound and PPC.

The increased distillate output of up to 180 l/h and the continuous oil discharge as standard also contribute to the high capacity and performance of the L and XL versions. The vertical integration of the flood tanks also offers advantages. It reduces sump formation and prevents dirt pockets from forming. The result is a longer service life of the baths and thus a reduction in operating costs.

For needs-based cleaning and preservation, the two flood tanks included in the basic version of all EcoCcompact can be supplemented by a third – fully integrated without increasing the installation area. They each have filtration in the supply and return lines with bag or high-performance filters as well as bypass filtration. Speaking of space requirements, at 4,100 x 1,900 x 2,650 mm and 4,400 x 2,100 x 2,655 mm respectively, the new versions are also extremely economical.

Impressive energy efficiency and sustainability

The EcoCcompact product family also impresses with its comparatively low energy consumption, which has been achieved through optimized system technology. This includes the fact that the two flood tanks and the optional third tank are heated with heat recovered from the distillation process.

Like all systems for solvent cleaning, the L and XL versions of the EcoCcompact are characterized by high flexibility in terms of material compatibility. This means that components made of different materials can be cleaned in one system. In addition, they can also be used in regions where the consumption of water as a cleaning medium and/or the disposal of waste water from cleaning applications is regulated. A prerequisite is the suitability of the solvent cleaning, which can be verified by Ecoclean through cleaning tests in the worldwide test centers.

Über die Ecoclean GmbH

The SBS Ecoclean Group develops, produces and sells future-oriented plants, systems and services for industrial component cleaning and surface treatment as well as customized automation solutions. Another business area is the development and series production of efficient alkaline electrolysis systems for the decentralized production of green hydrogen. Innovation is driven by the two competence centers based in Germany, which support the global Group companies with technical expertise, research and pioneering developments. The cleaning solutions, which are world leaders, help companies from a wide range of industries such as mechanical engineering, the semiconductor supply industry, precision optics, medical technology, the automotive and supplier industry, micro and precision engineering, aerospace and fastening technology around the globe to produce efficiently and sustainably with high quality. Ecoclean’s success is based on innovation, cutting-edge technology, sustainability, customer proximity, diversity and respect. The group of companies combines the Ecoclean, UCM and Mhitraa brands. It has eleven production sites in Germany and eight other countries worldwide and employs around 900 people.

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

Ecoclean GmbH
Mühlenstraße 12
70794 Filderstadt
Telefon: +49 (711) 7006-0
Telefax: +49 711 7006-148

Doris Schulz
Journalistin (DJV) und Texterin
Telefon: +49 (711) 854085
E-Mail: Doris.Schulz@PresseTextSchulz.De
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