
Integrated supply chain excellence: Innovative logistics solutions from a single source

Hall 1, Stand 1C34 – Under the theme “We make the world’s supply chains move”, Körber will be presenting integrated end-to-end supply chain solutions for the automation and SAP implementation of warehouses, parcel hubs and smart factories at LogiMAT 2025.

Integrated systems – live at LogiMAT

In Hall 1, Stand 1C34, Körber is positioning itself as a strategic and operational partner for individual automation solutions and system integration. At an innovative goods-to-person workstation consisting of AMR (Autonomous Mobile Robots), conveyor technology and a new WCS (Warehouse Control System), Körber will be demonstrating live the seamless interaction between man and machine and how energy efficiency, availability and quality can be increased in production and logistics processes.

Körber’s solutions combine a broad portfolio of mobile robotics solutions, automation expertise and integration know-how with extensive industry experience. For sectors with particularly complex requirements, such as the pharmaceutical or battery industry, Körber bundles these in the Business Unit Special Industries. The reduction of such complexities and the sustainable, resilient design of the supply chain with the help of automation technologies are further focal points in Hall 1.

Touchless Parcel Hub

Robotics, AI and data analysis are also pointing the way to the future in parcel logistics. Körber is therefore focusing on the Touchless Parcel Hub at this year’s LogiMAT – a visionary parcel center with intelligent systems for efficient, flexible and precise parcel sorting with high energy and cost efficiency.

The Touchless Parcel Hub is an intelligent, automated center that reduces human intervention to a minimum. By integrating innovative components, a high degree of automation and the intelligent linking of processes and data, the Touchless Parcel Hub meets the current and future challenges of parcel logistics.

Ready for the future with SAP TM and SAP EWM

Innovative SAP solutions that help companies to fundamentally transform their supply chains will be presented in Hall 4, Stand 4D68. With SAP TM solutions, Körber optimizes transport processes, reduces costs and creates end-to-end real-time transparency along the entire chain. The SAP EWM solutions increase efficiency in the warehouse, improve inventory accuracy and significantly reduce lead times – for an efficient and competitive supply chain.

Innovative end-of-line solutions

Innovative palletizing and conveying solutions round off the Körber range. These systems enable the smooth and efficient movement of pallets and goods. They support more efficient logistics processes and allow flexible adaptation to the challenges of the labor market, changing operational requirements and company growth. 

Über die Körber Supply Chain GmbH

About Körber
We are Körber – an international technology group with more than 12,000 employees at over 100 locations worldwide and a common goal: We turn entrepreneurial thinking into customer success and shape the technological change. In the Business Areas Digital, Pharma, Supply Chain, and Technologies, we offer products, solutions and services that inspire. We act fast to customer needs, we execute ideas seamlessly, and with our innovations we create added value for our customers. In doing so, we are increasingly building on ecosystems that solve the challenges of today and tomorrow. Körber AG is the holding company of the Körber Group.

About Körber’s Business Area Supply Chain
Supply chains are growing more complex by the day. Körber uniquely provides a broad range of proven, end-to-end supply chain solutions fitting any business size, strategy or appetite for growth. Our customers conquer the complexity of the supply chain thanks to our portfolio that includes software, automation, mail and parcel solutions, voice solutions, robotics, and material handling – plus the expertise to tie it all together. Körber helps to manage the supply chain as a competitive advantage. Conquer supply chain complexity – with Körber. The Business Area Supply Chain is part of the global technology group Körber.

Find out more on www.koerber-supplychain.com

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

Körber Supply Chain GmbH
Lilienthalstraße 16/18
78467 Konstanz
Telefon: +49 (6032) 348-5900
Telefax: +49 (6032) 348-5950

Wolfgang Seidl
Seidl PR & Marketing GmbH
Telefon: +49 (201) 8945889-0
E-Mail: presse@seidl-agentur.com
Mary-Jane Würker
Corporate Communications Manager
Telefon: +49 (6032) 348-2921
E-Mail: Mary-Jane.Wuerker@koerber-supplychain.com
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