
Lauterbach Joins SOAFEE SIG To Accelerate Development of Software Defined Vehicles (SDV)

Lauterbach, the World’s leading debug tools provider for embedded systems, joined the SOAFEE Special Interest Group to work with industry leaders to shape the future of the automotive industry and to simplify vehicle software solutions radically. 

SOAFEE is an industry-led collaboration between companies across the automotive and technology sectors. The scope includes to collaborate with automotive ecosystem across the value chain to create a seed development platform for seamless cloud to automotive edge software development and to enable a vibrant ecosystem of commercial partners delivering commercial products across the automotive stack, enabling a path from development to deployment.

With the transition from traditional domain-based E/E vehicle architectures to the Software Defined Vehicle (SDV), the demands on development tools are increasing significantly. Lauterbach’s TRACE32® debug and trace tools are already "SDV Ready" because they can debug the entire SDV software stack on all current and future automotive SoCs and over the entire lifecycle from virtual ECU to real silicon. Lauterbach brings this expertise in tools, safety certification, debugging, and system profiling to advance the development of safe, secure, and innovative automotive systems. For decades, Lauterbach has provided the automotive solutions that overcome the challenges engineers face and accelerate their business.

“Whether it is electrification, driver assistance technologies, or software-defined vehicles (SDV), our  TRACE32® debug and trace tools help developers deliver innovation faster and prepare for the road ahead.”, says Norbert Weiss, Managing Director at Lauterbach GmbH. “As a thought leader in debug and trace technologies, we are the experienced, innovative, and reliable partner the global automotive value chain needs to build the future of transportation and make driving safer, greener, and more connected.”

As a member of SOAFEE, Lauterbach and its numerous partners have set themselves the task of enabling developers of SDV architectures in the automotive sector to develop their applications even more quickly and easily.

Learn more about debugging and profiling Software Defined Vehicles (SDV):


Über die Lauterbach GmbH

Lauterbach is the leading manufacturer of cutting-edge development tools for embedded systems with more than 45 years of experience. It is an international, well-established company, serving customers all over the world, partnering with all semiconductor manufacturers and growing steadily. At the headquarters in Hoehenkirchen, near Munich, the engineering team develops and produces highly proficient and specialized, easy-to-use Development Tools under the brand TRACE32®. Branch offices in United Kingdom, Italy, France, Tunisia, on the East and West coasts of the United States, Japan and China and highly qualified sales as well as support engineers in many other countries make Lauterbach’s full product range available worldwide.

For more information please visit

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

Lauterbach GmbH
Altlaufstr. 40
85635 Höhenkirchen-Siegertsbrunn
Telefon: +49 (8102) 9876-0
Telefax: +49 (8102) 9876-999

Evi Ederer
Telefon: +49 (8102) 9876-182
Fax: +49 (8102) 9876-187
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