
LogiMAT 2025: EFAFLEX presents flexible logistics solutions


Halle: 9 / Stand-Nr.: D21

At LogiMAT 2025 in Stuttgart, EFAFLEX will showcase three high-speed doors designed for the logistics sector. Also featured: Smart accessories and a digital sustainability tool.

The LogiMAT 2025, taking place from 11th to 13th March in Stuttgart, is themed "Passion for Solutions." As a global market leader in industrial high-speed doors, EFAFLEX sees itself primarily as a provider of solutions. The manufacturer will be presenting three high-speed door solutions in the customary EFAFLEX quality, as well as the digital sustainability calculator EFA-EnergySaver, on around 90 square metres in Hall 9 at Stand D21.

EFA-SRT® MS Performance offers high flexibility in installation

The EFA-SRT® MS Performance machine safety door is unique on the market, with a service life of one million load cycles per year. It can be individually adapted to all requirements: Attachments and fence connections can be flexibly mounted in almost any position, and the door can be installed either as a freestanding unit or mounted on a wall.

The EFA-SRT® roll-up door is a true all-rounder, suitable for use as an interior door in logistics areas as well as for hall closure. Fast, safe, and reliable, it ensures smooth workflows in operations and production.

Improved lighting conditions in storage and production halls

The high-speed turbo door EFA-STT® Clear opens at speeds of up to 3.2 m/s, and is ideally suited for logistics processes with high daily demands. The door blade with EFA-CLEAR® transparent laths also ensures optimal lighting conditions in storage and production halls. Additionally, it offers the advantages of the "Next Generation" spiral doors, such as high customisation options and extensive safety features, including the EFA-TLG® door light grid.

In addition to speed, EFAFLEX is particularly committed to the highest safety standards. For this reason, the EFA-STT® Clear is equipped with the EFA-SCAN® laser scanner. This system creates a three-dimensional safety field, which seamlessly detects vehicles through intelligent directional recognition and tracks their movement. As a result, the door only opens when necessary. Sophisticated software algorithms prevent the door from opening during rain, snow, fog or extraneous light, which also makes the EFA-SCAN® suitable for outdoor installation. 

Focus on sustainability

As a solution provider, EFAFLEX also pursues forward-looking sustainability goals. Thanks to their high speed, optimised sealing, and exceptionally long service life, EFAFLEX doors help reduce both energy consumption and CO₂ costs. The extent of these savings for customers is demonstrated by the digital sustainability calculator, EFA-EnergySaver. This tool compares the potential of an EFAFLEX high-speed door against a conventional sectional door in terms of CO₂ emissions, kilowatt-hour consumption, and financial savings.

The EFA-EnergySaver is based on a scientific study conducted by the Technical University of Munich, ensuring reliable and independent data. EFAFLEX is continuously developing the system and will present the latest version at LogiMAT. Customers can also explore it in advance on the manufacturer’s website (www.efaflex.com/…).

Über die EFAFLEX Tor- und Sicherheitssysteme GmbH & Co. KG

EFAFLEX manufactures high-speed doors for industrial applications. Founded in 1974, the company delivers its solutions to customers from the worlds of industry, trade, food manufacturing and the chemical and pharmaceutical sectors. EFAFLEX is the only manufacturer of high-speed industrial doors to be registered in the world market leader index and is therefore one of the 461 top companies in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. The family-owned business has more than 1,400 employees worldwide. With its headquarters in Bruckberg, Bavaria, EFAFLEX is firmly established as the largest employer in the region. Furthermore, with ten subsidiaries on five continents, the company is opening up international markets. More than 40 percent of EFAFLEX’s revenue is generated abroad.

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

EFAFLEX Tor- und Sicherheitssysteme GmbH & Co. KG
Fliederstraße 14
84079 Bruckberg
Telefon: +49 (8765) 82-0
Telefax: +49 (8765) 82-200

Markus Bosch
PR Manager
Telefon: +49 (8765) 82-461
Fax: +49 (8765) 82-200
E-Mail: markus.bosch@efaflex.com
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