Mixed-Mail Sorting Center in Zurich Mülligen
The customer
Swiss Post AG is an independent legal entity of public law, fully owned by the Swiss government.
Within the framework of postal regulations, it fulfils requirements for universal service in the delivery of addressed mails, parcels, newspapers and magazines as well as payment transaction services.
With its 60,000 employees, startups and partners, Swiss Post fosters and develops forward-looking solutions, actively driving innovative business models.
The project
The project aimed to develop an efficient, automated sorting solution with the highest possible sorting depth for unstable and lightweight import items that are unsuitable for parcel or mail sorting machines.
Sorting should handle the entire process, from goods receipt or customs to final delivery, without manual intervention. The main goal was to reduce costs per item using latest technologies while ensuring reliable mixed-mail handling in the face of growing volumes.
Several new developments and enhancements in the sector of parcel automation needed to be developed to meet the project requirements. Another challenge was the integration of data for mail and parcel processing. Additionally, the COVID-19 pandemic created disruptions in project execution.
Solutions The technology for sorting mixed mail is based on standard parcel sorting solutions, adapted to specific characteristics. Mixed-mail requires a range of sorting equipment for the different processing stages – such as singulation; dimensioning and scanning;
reading and coding – tailored for automated mixedmail sorting. The decision on which products to use depends on the on-site conditions and was made in close cooperation with the customer.
The following solutions were implemented in the Zurich Mülligen project:
• VarioPick for removing non-machinable items
• Singulation with Visicon
• VarioRoute for aligning and sorting items within the conveyor system flow
• Item recognition with DWS and fingerprint
• Optical Code Reconstruction (OCR) and Video Coding System (VCS)
• Sorting with Cross Belt Sorters from Interroll
• Centralized automatic labelling of mail trays
• Centralized automatic filling of roll trolleys
• Sorting and visualization of IT with VarioSC
• New destinations including mail trays and collecting trolleys
• Analytics to detect anomalies in the process with Parcel Data Hub Features and benefits
• Fully automated sorting to significantly reduce manual sorting, resulting in substantial cost savings
• Reduction from 3–4 manual processing steps to 1–2 steps
• Direct sorting right up to delivery routes (1,400 tours)
• Relief for parcel centers (100 – 220 k mixed-mail /day)
• Sorting capacity: Up to 19,000 items per hour
• Consignment dimensions: Minimum 100x90x5 mm; maximum 420x420x200 mm
• Consignment weight: 0,05-5 kg
• Range of mail and parcels: e-commerce consignments from all over the world
• Belt conveyor & Cross Belt sorter
• Approx. 1,400 Destinations
• Sorting with 5 sorters on 2 levels
About Körber
We are Körber – an international technology group with more than 12,000 employees at over 100 locations worldwide and a common goal: We turn entrepreneurial thinking into customer success and shape the technological change. In the Business Areas Digital, Pharma, Supply Chain, and Technologies, we offer products, solutions and services that inspire. We act fast to customer needs, we execute ideas seamlessly, and with our innovations we create added value for our customers. In doing so, we are increasingly building on ecosystems that solve the challenges of today and tomorrow. Körber AG is the holding company of the Körber Group.
About Körber’s Business Area Supply Chain
Supply chains are growing more complex by the day. Körber uniquely provides a broad range of proven, end-to-end supply chain solutions fitting any business size, strategy or appetite for growth. Our customers conquer the complexity of the supply chain thanks to our portfolio that includes software, automation, mail and parcel solutions, voice solutions, robotics, and material handling – plus the expertise to tie it all together. Körber helps to manage the supply chain as a competitive advantage. Conquer supply chain complexity – with Körber. The Business Area Supply Chain is part of the global technology group Körber.
Find out more on www.koerber-supplychain.com
Körber Supply Chain GmbH
Lilienthalstraße 16/18
78467 Konstanz
Telefon: +49 (6032) 348-5900
Telefax: +49 (6032) 348-5950
Marketing Director
E-Mail: cordula.magin@koerber.com