
More Precise in a Compact Design: New MFR 012 Hygrostat from STEGO

With optimized measurement technology and a more compact design, the new MFR 012 hygrostat enables quick integration into control cabinets and electrical enclosures. It provides precise humidity measurements and reliably prevents condensation formation.

STEGO Elektrotechnik GmbH presents the latest version of its proven mechanical humidity controller, the MFR 012. Designed specifically for use in control cabinets and electrical enclosures, the hygrostat ensures reliable protection of electrical systems against the consequences of condensation, which can cause significant failures in sectors such as power supply, renewable energy, infrastructure, and mechanical engineering.

Protection Under Demanding Conditions

Electrical systems in control cabinets and enclosures are often exposed to extreme environmental conditions. Temperature fluctuations and high relative humidity promote the formation of condensation – a phenomenon that, in the worst case, can cause short circuits and damage to sensitive components. To effectively counter these challenges, the MFR 012 has been thoroughly revised and technically optimized.

Fast and Reliable Connections

One of the key improvements in the new MFR 012 is its efficient electrical connectivity. The integration of modern push-in terminals enables quick and secure wiring of electrical connections. This not only significantly reduces installation time but also enhances the system’s overall reliability.

Compact and Space-Saving

A major advancement in the new MFR 012 version is its compact design. With a width reduced by 15 mm, the device requires significantly less space on the DIN rail. This optimizes cabinet configuration and offers a crucial advantage in systems with high component density.

Highest Safety Standards

STEGO consistently adheres to the highest safety standards. The new MFR 012 continues to carry UL, VDE, EAC, and CE certifications. Additionally, the protection rating has been upgraded from IP20 to IP30, making operation in demanding environments even safer and extending the device’s lifespan.

Precise Humidity Control

One of the standout features of the new hygrostat is its improved design and enhanced measurement technology. A generously sized rotary dial with a crossslot allows precise adjustment of the desired humidity range, now spanning from 30% to 95% relative humidity—an increase of 5 percentage points compared to the previous version.

Enhanced Heat Dissipation and Measurement Accuracy

By repositioning the connection terminals at the top of the housing, the heat generated by electrical wiring is efficiently dissipated. Thanks to an optimized circuit board design, the impact of heat sources is significantly minimized, reducing the risk of condensation-related issues. As a result, the measurement tolerance has been improved to 1.5%.

The redesigned MFR 012 hygrostat is now available for use in a wide range of electrical applications. For further details, including technical specifications, data sheets, CAD files, and application possibilities, visit the manufacturer’s website:



STEGO – Sustainable Electronics Protection

The STEGO Group manufactures and distributes an ever-growing range of products for the protection of electrical and electronic components. Enclosure heaters, filter fans, LED lights, thermostats, hygrostats, sensors, and accessories ensure optimized climatic conditions in various environments, guaranteeing the reliable operation of sensitive components over the long term.


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GBKT19 9QN Epsom
Telefon: +44 (0)1372 747250
Telefax: +44 (0)1372 729854

Siegfried Oerthel
Siegfried Oerthel | soerthel@stego.de | Tel. +49 791 95058-181
Telefon: +49 (791) 95058-181
E-Mail: soerthel@stego.de
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