
Optimizing Packaging Efficiency with Flexible Automation for Existing Lines

Companies seeking to automate their packaging processes often face the challenge of integrating automated palletizing and load securing technology into existing systems. As a specialist in packaging machinery, Greif-Velox offers customized, flexible solutions: the seamless integration of state-of-the-art palletizing robots and load securing elements into existing packaging lines—regardless of whether the original filling or bagging system was supplied by Greif-Velox.

By utilizing the VeloPack robotic palletizer, the VeloFlexLabeler for robotic labeling, and automated load securing systems, Greif-Velox enhances packaging efficiency with its solutions, to help minimize manual intervention and downtime, improve workplace safety, and ensure optimized process flow. Thanks to their modular design, their systems can be easily integrated into existing packaging lines, thereby optimizing the handling of various packaging types—including bags, drums, canisters, hobbocks, cartons and roll goods.

Fully Automated Solutions for Palletizing, Labeling, and Load Securing Across Industries

With decades of experience in packaging automation, Greif-Velox provides comprehensive solutions for palletizing, labeling, and load securing to companies in the chemical, petrochemical, food, and building materials industries. These solutions include:

  • VeloPack Palletizing Robot: Offers highly precise, fully automated palletizing and depalletizing solutions with configurable gripping tools for diverse products and handling tasks.
  • Top Sheet Handling: The automatic pallet coverage secures loads and helps minimize manual labor.
  • Bag Equalization: Various available technologies (e.g. roller belts, vibration plates, press stations and compaction sections) ensure the optimum stackability of bags.
  • Stretch Wrapping Systems: Automated stretch wrapping systems reduce material usage and ensure secure pallet loads and are capable of handling up to 80 pallets per hour.
  • Edge and Corner Protection Systems: The integration of automated protective materials prevents packaging damage and enhances overall load stability.
  • Conveying Technology: Roller and chain conveyors, corner transfer units, turntables, and pallet lifts facilitate a fully automated material flow for pallets or drums.
  • Robotic Labeling: The VeloFlexLabeler enables flexible, automated labeling of pallets, bags, cartons, and drums—with both static and variable labels (e.g., batch numbers, barcodes, hazardous material markings). It seamlessly integrates into existing production and packaging lines, replacing manual labeling steps.

Maximum Efficiency Through Advanced Robotics

Thanks to a strategic partnership with KUKA, one of the world’s leading robotics manufacturers, Greif-Velox leverages cutting-edge robotics and automation technologies to make packaging processes more efficient, safer, and sustainable.

“Our fully automated solutions position Greif-Velox as a leader in packaging automation,” according to Sebastian Pohl, Managing Director of Greif-Velox. “Our robotic palletizers, automated labeling systems, and load securing solutions ensure consistently optimized processes—no matter whether they are utilized in new or existing facilities.”

Future-Proof Automation for Increased Productivity and Sustainability

With the growing pressure on companies to enhance efficiency, safety, and sustainability, automated packaging solutions provide a key competitive advantage.

“Greif-Velox focuses on scalable, intelligent automation concepts that help businesses future-proof their production environments while maximizing cost efficiency,” explains Sebastian Pohl. “We see ourselves as a partner for our customers, one who offers well-thought-out full-line concepts precisely tailored to their needs.”

Learn more about Load Securing:

Learn more about Robot Palletizing:

For more information, visit

Über die GREIF-VELOX Maschinenfabrik GmbH

GREIF-VELOX Maschinenfabrik GmbH ( sets global benchmarks in packaging machinery and is on its way to becoming a technological leader in the industry. The company designs and implements innovative bagging machines and filling systems with a strong focus on maximizing customer efficiency. Among its breakthroughs, GREIF-VELOX has introduced the VeloVac gross vacuum packer, revolutionizing the packaging of ultra-light powders.

In addition to bagging technology, its portfolio includes palletizing robots, enabling complete full-line solutions. With its customer needs at the forefront, the company continuously develops new systems and patents that provide long-term solutions to industry challenges.

With a nearly 1,000-year corporate history, GREIF-VELOX has consistently demonstrated its three core values: Efficiency, Innovation, and Reliability (EIZ). Today, GREIF-VELOX Maschinenfabrik GmbH operates worldwide with more than 150 experts in 89 countries. Since 2024, Sebastian Pohl and Thorsten Köll have been appointed as managing directors. In 2025, GREIF-VELOX will celebrate its 80th anniversary at its Lübeck (Schleswig-Holstein, Germany) location.

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

GREIF-VELOX Maschinenfabrik GmbH
Kronsforder Landstr. 177
23560 Lübeck
Telefon: +49 (451) 5303-0
Telefax: +49 (451) 5303-233

Dr. Lena Modrow
Telefon: +49 (451) 54692373
Björn Voges
Marketing Manager
Telefon: +49 (451) 5303-300
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