
Pascal Keller-Bossart becomes new CEO of the SITS Group

SITS Group AG, a leading IT security group, has announced the new CEO of the SITS Group, Pascal Keller-Bossart (45), with effect from 1 March 2025. He takes over this position from Maximilian Coqui, who will remain associated with the company as a representative of the shareholder Triton Partners.

Pascal Keller-Bossart was previously CEO of IT service provider Inventx and strengthened its leading market position in the Swiss financial sector over the long term. He significantly expanded the business and drove organisational development by founding business units for the growth areas of cloud, workplace and cyber security. Prior to this, he held various management positions at Google Cloud, most recently as Head of Google Workspace for the DACH region.

Pascal Keller-Bossart studied computer science at ETH Zurich and holds an MBA from the Kellogg School of Management in Chicago.

Jürgen Rottler, Chairman of the Board of Directors, says: ‘We are delighted to welcome Pascal Keller-Bossart as the new CEO of SITS Group. He has extensive leadership experience in the IT services sector as well as deep knowledge of digital transformation and business development. His expertise will significantly support the SITS Group on its way to becoming the leading service partner in the field of cyber security.

Über die SITS Group AG

SITS Group AG is Europe’s leading cyber security provider. As a trusted partner, SITS supports customers in overcoming digital challenges with holistic security and cloud services. With more than 700 highly qualified employees in seven European countries, SITS Group is the ideal partner for companies and public institutions when it comes to customized consulting strategies, innovative engineering, cloud technologies and transformation as well as comprehensive managed services from a single source. SITS Group puts the digital security of its customers first.

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