Finanzen / Bilanzen

Shaping the Future of Digital Business

The E-Invoicing Exchange Summit Miami will take place from March 24 to 26, 2025, bringing together industry leaders, experts, and practitioners to explore the latest developments in E-Invoicing, digital transformation, P2P automation, tax and global interoperability. This premier event will feature interactive workshops, thought-provoking presentations, and compelling case studies, making it a pivotal gathering for advancing the
E-Invoicing landscape.

The pre-conference day on March 24 will include:
+ GENA Academy Essentials: A workshop demystifying E-Invoicing concepts, frameworks, and global interoperability challenges.
+ DBNAlliance Meeting: A comprehensive update on the North American B2B digital highway, including framework applications and live demonstrations.

During the main conference days, March 25-26, attendees can look forward to:
+ Keynote: Opportunity of the Century – AI, presented by Bilal Zafar.
+ Practical case studies: Halliburton’s E-Invoicing business to government (B2G) deployment, insights into NuSkin’s global E-Invoicing consolidation and Jabil’s centralized approach to compliance.
+ Interactive Roundtables: Discussions on topics such as ESG Reporting, B2B E-Invoicing in Germany, Real-Time E-Invoicing, and market adoption strategies.

Networking opportunities, including the Icebreaker Reception and the Networking Dinner, will provide a valuable platform to connect with peers and industry pioneers in a collaborative environment.

More information on the E-Invoicing Exchange Summit in Miami:

Über die Vereon AG

Vereon AG organises leading-edge seminars, conferences and workshops addressing current business issues. Distinguished experts in research, science, industry and politics regularly present practical solution approaches and pioneering trends. Leaders and specialists from all sectors appreciate these information platforms for building knowledge, exchanging experience and making valuable new contacts.

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

Vereon AG
Hauptstrasse 54
CH8280 Kreuzlingen
Telefon: +41 (71) 6778700

Telefon: +41 (71) 677-8700
Johannes von Mulert
Telefon: +41 (71) 67787-00
Fax: +41 (71) 67787-01
Clarissa Ziegler
Telefon: +41 (71) 677-8706
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