
Technology Upgrade for DÜRR NDT’s Digital Large Format X-ray Detector for Industrial Radiography

With the D-DR 3643 NDT, the large format flat panel detector of the D-DR series gets an upgrade that is 20% lighter and more robust than ever before.

This is made possible by the glass-free TFT sensor, which represents the most important advancement. Due to its active area of 351 x 427 mm, it is perfectly suited for profile images in CUI inspections and for large objects.

The new detector is also much more compact and thinner, which simplifies handling and positioning in the field. Designed for portability and the harsh conditions of industrial radiography, the detector easily passed the 1 m drop test. With a pixel pitch of 99 µm, a basic spatial resolution (SRb) of 100 µm is achieved, making the detector suitable for inspection tasks according to the highest standards.

Thanks to the integrated shielding, the detector is suitable for X-ray sources up to 450 kV and for gamma sources, with a maximum frame time of 180 seconds. The D-DR 3643 NDT is available with different scintillator options to achieve the best possible contrast and resolution for the intended application.

General advantages of the D-DR series are long battery runtime, hot-swap function and IP 67 protection class. In addition to wireless operation, the detector can also be operated by wired data transmission and power supply.

Like all digital X-ray systems from DÜRR NDT, the D-DR 3643 NDT is also operated with the proven D-Tect X inspection software. Special and easy-to-use functions such as multi-gain calibration always ensure the highest possible image quality. Powerful and intelligent tools, such as the X-filter for fast image optimization, make image evaluation simple and much more efficient.

Über die DÜRR NDT GmbH & Co. KG

DÜRR NDT is a German manufacturer of systems for industrial radiography in the field of non-destructive testing (NDT) and provides Computed Radiography (CR) scanners, Digital Radiography (DR) flat panel detectors (DDAs) and X-ray inspection and analysis software. DÜRR NDT also offers X-ray film processors for mobile use and the unique REACH compliant environmentally-friendly film processing chemistry. New is the cloud-based management software DRIVE NDT for all NDT inspection methods to organize and control the complete NDT workflow including individual test reports, staff, customer and device management, and much more.

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74321 Bietigheim-Bissingen
Telefon: +49 (7142) 99381-0
Telefax: +49 (7142) 99381-299

Adrian Roth
Telefon: +49 7142 99381170
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