
Waterjet Technology from Hako: Oertzen high-pressure cleaners

In the construction industry, cleanliness is a key factor for economic efficiency and occupational safety. Cleaning equipment for construction sites, mines and the building materials industry must therefore not only be powerful and efficient, but also reliable and robust. This is precisely where Hako comes in with its wide range of  Oertzen high-pressure cleaners, which visitors to the bauma 2025 in Munich will be able to experience live at stand B4.306 from 7 to 13 April.

Strong cleaning power under extreme conditions

Hako offers suitable cleaning solutions for the high demands of the construction industry. The high-pressure cleaners are available as cold or hot water versions as required, optionally with an electric motor or combustion engine for independent operation. Thanks to a wide range of accessories, they can be flexibly adapted to different areas of application – mobile or stationary.

For example, for cleaning construction machinery: Cold water high-pressure cleaners such as the Oertzen C170-9 E remove stubborn dirt, sludge and concrete residue from excavators, wheel loaders, dumpers and other heavy machinery. Hot water high-pressure cleaners such as the Oertzen H180-15 E.D are used in particulary tough cases and for oil residues. The combination of high pressure, hot water and – if necessary – cleaning agents removes dirt even more effectively. Regular cleaning also helps to prevent corrosion and wear – and thus prolongs the machine’s service life.  

In addition to removing oily and greasy residues from construction machinery, tools, moulds and mixers, cleaning construction site floors also promotes productivity and work safety. Powerful cold water high-pressure cleaners such as the Oertzen C350-21 P use up to 500 bar working pressure to quickly and effectively remove mud, dust, clay and other deposits from driveways, in loading zones and in production facilities. Cold water high-pressure cleaners such as the Oertzen C500‑27 E can be used to remove rust, old layers of paint or coatings from metal structures and to prepare concrete and steel surfaces for repairs and new coatings. With a sustainable effect: Every Oertzen model is designed to conserve resources and materials and achieve economical results.

Reliable performance under all conditions

Oertzen high-pressure cleaners are designed for continuous use even under extreme conditions – with robust, durable quality, reliable performance and great ease of use. Many Oertzen appliances are available in special versions or with special safety features, for example for use in potentially explosive or corrosive environments. And to ensure that they fulfil their cleaning tasks reliably and with consistently high quality at all times, Hako ensures high availability with services such as rapid-response on-site service, qualified technicians and efficient spare parts logistics.

Über die Hako GmbH

Hako – solution provider for Cleaning. Municipal and Waterjet Technology
For over 75 years, Hako has been a solution provider for intelligent Cleaning, Municipal and Waterjet Technology. With top quality, high reliability, excellent service and pioneering innovation, we fulfil the increasing requirements for sustainable solutions. Today, the Hako Group is one of the leading machine manufacturers on the global market for industrial, building and outdoor cleaning as well as property maintenance and winter services. Thanks to its close-knit distribution and service network with sales and service partners in over 60 countries, Hako supplies a wide range of target groups worldwide with future-proof cleaning machines and multifunctional load and implement carriers. With developments in the areas of autonomy, electromobility and digitalisation, we are paving the way for the future of Cleaning, Municipal and Waterjet Technology.

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

Hako GmbH
Hamburger Straße 209-239
23843 Bad Oldesloe
Telefon: +49 (4531) 806-0
Telefax: +49 (4531) 806-338

Sabine Paul
Telefon: +49 (4531) 806369
Fax: +49 (4531) 806399
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