
Working with AI support


Hall: 4 / Stand number: 4F06

Artificial intelligence and language as the basis for operational processes and business decisions: The METIS App Suite combines all AI tools from the AppsWarehouse of into a holistic solution. Whether it’s fuzzy logic, neural networks or natural language processing (NLP), AI is an integral part of the underlying CyberEnterprise business model and its apps from the AppsWarehouse.

With this, only now offers the new generation of enterprise-wide business solutions.

With METIS, company data and processes can be used and managed with the support of AI and language. In METIS, the ambition of to implement the digital transformation of a company holistically culminates. This also means, in particular, the ability to enable the interface to the CyberEnterprise not only in the form of programmed user interfaces but also by means of natural language.

1. All data and information of the CyberEnterprise are available via natural language (queries).
2. All data and information of the CyberEnterprise can be maintained via natural language (editing).
3. New business objects can be newly constructed into new business processes directly via natural language (creation).

METIS is currently available to customers as a prototype app.

The Hamburg-based company classix Software GmbH targets decision-makers, users, and developers with its products. We help in building holistic, digital models of companies.

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

ClassiX Software GmbH
Oehleckerring 11
22081 Hamburg
Telefon: +49 (40) 5305429-0
Telefax: +49 (40) 5305429-11

Sascha Stein
Social Media Manager
Telefon: +4940530542944
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