
A-SAFE launches latest innovation in safety barriers, now with Active Technology

A-SAFE, a global leader in workplace efficiency and safety solutions, is revolutionising impact protection with the launch of its brand-new barrier range – including Active Technology. This integrated solution marks the latest evolution in safety technology.

After years of dedicated re-engineering, re-design, and rigorous testing, A-SAFE has unveiled a breakthrough in safety-barrier technology, designed to deliver the highest level of protection available. Unlike traditional barriers, which are strongest in the middle but vulnerable near the posts, A-SAFE’s Total Performance technology redistributes impact forces across the entire system, eliminating weak points and drastically reducing repair costs and downtime.

Before today, businesses were only able to detect impact if it was reported, if damage was visible upon inspection, or worse, after an accident. Now, A-SAFE’s Active Technology provides instant impact alerts, allowing teams to take immediate action, preventing further damage, and ensuring maximum uptime.

Luke Smith, co-CEO of A-SAFE, says: “Introducing Active Technology in the brand-new A-SAFE Barrier range is more than a product launch – it’s a game changer for workplace safety. For too long, businesses have had to choose between performance, cost, and maintenance. We’ve solved that problem by adding in Active Technology, a high-performance safety system that delivers long-term financial benefits. By integrating active impact detection, energy-dissipating technology, and a simplified classification system, businesses can make data-driven safety decisions faster and more effectively than ever before.”

From manufacturing floors to global logistics hubs, businesses face the daily challenge of keeping workers safe while maintaining efficiency. With Active Technology in their safety barriers, companies can finally eliminate guesswork, reduce downtime, and build a safer, smarter future – all while achieving a measurable return on investment.

Luke Smith continues: “We are always looking at evolving our solutions to offer even greater flexibility and value for businesses worldwide. Future purchasing options will provide businesses with adaptable investment models, ensuring that companies of all sizes can access the latest in workplace safety technology in a way that best suits their operational and financial needs.”

Über die A-Safe GmbH

A-SAFE is a global leader in workplace safety solutions.

As the creator of the world’s first industrial-strength polymer barrier safety system, innovation is at A-SAFE’s core. Supplying transformative safety tech to warehouses, factories, airports, and more, A-SAFE’s impact spans the globe. With 17 subsidiaries across 65+ countries and partnerships with Nestlé, Coca-Cola, and others, A-SAFE’s influence is unparalleled.

To bolster safety across all industries, A-SAFE proudly sponsored and authored PAS13 – the world’s first Code of Practice for Safety Barriers with the British Standards Institution.

For further information, visit [url=https://www.asafe.com/en-gb/]www.asafe.com[/url]

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

A-Safe GmbH
Sitzkrüger Moor 6
23879 Mölln
Telefon: +49 (4542) 99580-40
Telefax: +49 (4542) 99580-89

James Young
Senior Account Manager, EC-PR
Telefon: +44 (7513) 302222
E-Mail: james@ec-pr.com
Aleix Gwilliam
Senior Account Manager, EC-PR
Telefon: +44 (7831) 433-946
E-Mail: aleix@ec-pr.com
Liz Churchman
Telefon: +44 (7966) 820320
E-Mail: liz@ec-pr.com
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