
A-SAFE unveils A-GUARD, the next-generation machine guarding system with built-in safety intelligence

A-SAFE, the global leader in workplace efficiency and safety solutions, announces the launch of A-GUARD, the first machine-guarding system to combine advanced wireless technology with 100% interior visibility, setting a new standard for real-time risk management and workplace safety.

“Just as we did with barriers, we are disrupting the market with A-GUARD – replacing outdated steel systems with cutting-edge polymer,” said Luke Smith, Co-CEO at A-SAFE. “This is the first commercially viable, completely transparent polymer machine guarding solution, offering superior durability, safety, and adaptability. It’s a game-changer for facilities looking for both protection and visibility without compromise.”

A-GUARD goes beyond traditional mesh fencing, eliminating safety gaps while providing clear sightlines to machinery and processes, ensuring both protection and visibility. The system’s clear polymer panels provide unobstructed sightlines for operators while ensuring comprehensive protection against potential hazards.

A-GUARD adapts on-site to fit your facility’s needs, allowing instant modifications without complex reinstallation. With real-time monitoring, it tracks panel removal and any impact, helping safety managers spot access patterns and optimise maintenance schedules.

“Traditional machine guarding is rigid and time-consuming to modify, but A-GUARD transforms that with modular panels that allow easy, bespoke cutting on-site,” Smith continued. “This means businesses can configure their safety setups to fit changing operational needs without delays or expensive reworks. Combined with its lightweight structure and rapid installation process, A-GUARD is setting a new benchmark for efficiency and innovation.”

The system’s gapless design addresses emerging industry standards for machine guarding, particularly regarding finger protection and projectile prevention. With real-time risk visibility, instant breach alerts, and full access tracking, A-GUARD ensures facilities meet the highest safety standards while proactively preventing hazards.

You can see A-GUARD on display at the A-SAFE booth (Hall 1, Stand 1A51) at LogiMAT in Stuttgart, running until 13th March.

Über die A-Safe GmbH

A-SAFE is a global leader in workplace safety solutions.

As the creator of the world’s first industrial-strength polymer barrier safety system, innovation is at A-SAFE’s core. Supplying transformative safety tech to warehouses, factories, airports, and more, A-SAFE’s impact spans the globe. With 17 subsidiaries across 65+ countries and partnerships with Nestlé, Coca-Cola, and others, A-SAFE’s influence is unparalleled.

To bolster safety across all industries, A-SAFE proudly sponsored and authored PAS13 – the world’s first Code of Practice for Safety Barriers with the British Standards Institution.

For further information, visit [url=https://www.asafe.com/en-gb/]www.asafe.com[/url]

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

A-Safe GmbH
Sitzkrüger Moor 6
23879 Mölln
Telefon: +49 (4542) 99580-40
Telefax: +49 (4542) 99580-89

Liz Churchman
Telefon: +44 (7966) 820320
E-Mail: liz@ec-pr.com
James Young
Senior Account Manager, EC-PR
Telefon: +44 (7513) 302222
E-Mail: james@ec-pr.com
Aleix Gwilliam
Senior Account Manager, EC-PR
Telefon: +44 (7831) 433-946
E-Mail: aleix@ec-pr.com
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