Forschung und Entwicklung

Always one step ahead

ROMIRA’s innovative strength is once again demonstrated in a successful product development: With the ROMILOY® PC-MA compounds and their optimized material properties as well as groundbreaking application options, the company is setting new standards for the automotive sector – both in the interior and exterior areas. And thanks to the Mold-In-Color concept, the compounds guarantee design freedom without painting – even high gloss and matt in one tool are possible.

ROMILOY® PC-MA compounds impress with the combination of the following properties: color depth and very good scratch resistance like a PMMA, high impact strength, temperature resistance and very good chemical resistance like a PC/ASA and a high degree of gloss on glossy surfaces like a polycarbonate.

High-performance solutions for the interior
The ROMIRA experts have specifically developed ROMILOY® PC-MA to meet the specific requirements of modern vehicle interiors. Part of the range is ROMILOY® PC-MA 602053: In addition to a deep color, this compound impresses with very low emission values, particularly good scratch resistance and UV protection specially developed for the interior. Thanks to these properties, sustainable aesthetics and durability are guaranteed – even with intensive use and changing lighting conditions.

Maximum resistance for the exterior
ROMIRA has designed the ROMILOY® PC-MA 602080 in Cosmos Black especially for exterior – a high-performance solution that scores with its outstanding deep black color. Together with the advantages mentioned above, ROMILOY® PC-MA 602080 is therefore the ideal partner for demanding exterior applications where long-lasting performance and a high-quality appearance are essential.

Color variety and flexibility
Another highlight of ROMILOY® PC-MA is the expanded color palette: In addition to the iconic, high-gloss deep black, the materials offer exceptional colorability in numerous other colors. At the same time, the materials are perfectly suited for finishing with the hot stamping process, which opens up further design options.

Focus on user-friendliness
In order to further simplify the integration of ROMILOY® PC-MA, ROMIRA has made a decisive contribution towards user-friendliness: Moldflow data is now available for the exterior and interior types. This digital support significantly simplifies tool design and ensures optimal use of the materials in the production chain. In addition, all materials meet the FMVSS-302 standards and are therefore ideally suited for use in automotive components.

With the further development of ROMILOY® PC-MA, ROMIRA is once again setting a strong example for innovation and customer orientation. The product range is both a testament to the company’s technological expertise and a promise to always be one step ahead of the increasing demands of the automotive industry.

Über die ROWA GROUP Holding GmbH

ROMIRA GmbH was founded in 1990 and is an affiliated partner within the ROWA GROUP. As part of this strong combine, ROMIRA sets standards for technical plastics with its profound competence and synergetic know-how.

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