
Arvato Systems & DSCVOLLEY launch “DSCVOLLEY Kids”

In autumn 2024, Arvato Systems introduced its new company logo and took the opportunity to launch a comprehensive campaign under the motto “Experience Diversity”. The campaign actively supports local associations and organizations at Arvato Systems locations and in customer regions that promote greater social interaction, inclusion, integration and diversity. The latest example is the “DSCVOLLEY Kids” initiative, which offers children and young people a special volleyball experience centered around social participation and social cohesion.

“DSCVOLLEY Kids” is a joint project of Arvato Systems and the Dresden professional volleyball team that aims to open up new perspectives for children and young people in particular through sport and community. In addition to providing a playful introduction to volleyball, the project places a special focus on social interaction. The partners‘ commitment is thus focused on key issues such as integration, identification, inclusion and social responsibility.

The “DSCVOLLEY Kids” project includes six training sessions per season, in which children and young people train under the guidance of experienced DSC volleyball coaches and players. For the participants, the joy of sport is combined with a sense of belonging and community. As a special highlight, the training groups are invited to attend the Dresdner SC Bundesliga home games, experience exclusive tours of the stadium, be part of the games as “run-in kids” and then meet the professional players in person at a meet and greet.

Matthias Moeller, CEO of Arvato Systems Group, describes the purpose of the project as follows: “Promoting children and social interaction – that’s what DSCVOLLEY Kids stands for. Together, DSC and Arvato Systems want to offer children and young people a playful approach to a diverse community. This is a starting point for regular interaction, which is ultimately also an important basis for social cohesion. It is a pioneering and long-term project that we are very happy to carry out together with the DSC as part of our Experience Diversity initiative.”

Sandra Zimmermann, managing director of DSC Volleyball, is positive about the extraordinary collaboration: “The partnership and joint campaign with Arvato Systems is something special for us and a sign of Arvato Systems‘ trust in our work. The upcoming measures give us the opportunity to give something back with our great sport and to start a project for children and young people. I am sure that we will all experience special moments in the process. We are looking forward to this and are grateful to Arvato Systems for integrating the campaign into our youth development program.”

Über Arvato Systems

Arvato Systems is an international IT specialist that supports major companies in Digital Transformation. We stand for strong industry knowledge, in-depth technology expertise and a clear focus on customer requirements. Working as a team, we develop innovative IT solutions, transition our clients into the Cloud, integrate digital processes, and take on IT systems operation and support. As part of Bertelsmann, we are built on the solid foundations of a German global corporation. At the same time, we rely on our strong strategic partner network with top international players such as AWS, Google, Microsoft and SAP. We make the digital world easier, more efficient and more secure and our customers more successful. We Empower Digital Leaders.

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

Arvato Systems
Reinhard-Mohn-Straße 18
33333 Gütersloh
Telefon: +49 (5241) 80-80888
Telefax: +49 (5241) 80-80666

Marcus Metzner
Chief Marketing Officer
Telefon: +49 5241 8088242
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