
ATIX AG releases orcharhino 7.1 with in-place upgrade from EL8 to EL9

The upgrade takes place directly on the existing platform, which means that all configurations and content are retained. The update to EL9 should take place before the upcoming upgrade to orcharhino 7.2, as only EL9 will be supported from this version onwards.

Innovations at a glance:

  • In-place upgrade from Enterprise Linux 8 to Enterprise Linux 9.
  • No new installation required, existing configurations and content are retained.
  • Support for AlmaLinux 9, Oracle Linux 9, RHEL 9 and Rocky Linux 9.
  • Independent implementation of the operating system upgrade before the update to orcharhino 7.2.

orcharhino 7.1 provides an upgrade path for existing installations, making it easier to update to the latest operating system versions.

About orcharhino
orcharhino is the comprehensive solution for the automation and orchestration of IT infrastructures. The enterprise open source solution can be used in Windows and Linux environments and enables automated deployment, configuration and lifecycle management as well as release and patch management. orcharhino can be operated on-premises as well as in the cloud.

Developed by ATIX AG as an open source product for companies, orcharhino offers organizations of all sizes maximum flexibility, efficiency and control – backed by a strong partner network and professional support.

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Über die ATIX AG

ATIX AG is a leading provider of solutions for enterprise IT infrastructures and enables efficient, scalable and flexible system management. ATIX AG operates an ISO9001:2015 certified quality management system in the areas of development, support, consulting and training of software solutions.

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Parkring 15
85748 Garching bei München
Telefon: +49 89 4523538-0
Telefax: +49 (89) 4523538-290

Matthias Vogler
Marketing Manager
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