Mobile & Verkehr

Available to Order Now: Opel Corsa Electric with Even More Range

  • Even more efficient: Drive up to 24 kilometres further thanks to improved battery cell chemistry and optimised powertrain
  • ‘Electric All In’2: Opel makes the switch to electric mobility easy

Combined values for Opel Corsa Electric with 115 kW (156 hp) according to WLTP3: energy consumption 14.2 kWh/100 km, CO2 emissions 0 g/km; CO2 label: A

Opel is now making electric mobility even more attractive and suitable for everyday use with the Corsa Electric. From now on, occupants of the electric small car bestseller with the Blitz can cover even longer distances between charging stops. The Opel Corsa Electric with a 51 kWh battery and an output of 115 kW (156 hp) now enables a locally emissions-free range of up to 429 kilometres – around 6 per cent or up to 24 kilometres more than before.

Best of all, customers can enjoy the extended range without facing any additional costs. For example, the special edition Opel Corsa Electric YES is available from €32,485 (RRP incl. VAT in Germany). A win-win situation for all Corsa Electric buyers: More style, more range, increased everyday usability – and all this for the same price as before. And combined with ’Electric All In’2 Opel is making electric mobility even easier and more affordable.

429-kilometre range (WLTP1): Corsa Electric offers even more everyday benefits

Small, practical and durable: With space for up to five people in compact dimensions, the Corsa Electric is a real everyday hero and protects the environment and resources with its locally emissions-free drivetrain. It is not for nothing that the jury of the trade magazine electricar named it ‘Best in Class City Vehicle’ in their 2025 awards list.

With the electric range, which has now been increased to up to 429 kilometres, the nimble electric car is even more attractive both in everyday life and for longer trips. The increase in range was made possible by the continuous development of nickel-manganese-cobalt (NMC) battery. In addition, the drive system is now even more efficient. For example, the Corsa Electric now consumes only 14.2 kWh of electricity per 100 kilometres. And when the electric small car bestseller needs charging, it recharges to up to 80 percent in under 30 minutes at a 100 kW DC fast-charging station.

The Corsa Electric not only shines with high efficiency and practicality, it is also extremely stylish – especially as an Opel Corsa Electric YES special edition. With the three new colours Eukalyptus Green, Kobalt Blue and Kiss Red, it stands out from the crowd and is an unmistakable eyecatcher. Numerous features from the up-level GS trim line are included as standard.

Simple, affordable, customer-friendly: Boost for e-mobility with ‘Electric All-In’2

Another reason that should make the Corsa Electric even more attractive is that the brand with the Blitz is making electric mobility even easier and more affordable for customers. Customers who opt for a battery-electric car like the Corsa Electric now receive numerous services at the same time’Electric All In’2 is the name of the formula that makes the transition to electric mobility easy and pleasant. Services such as an eProWallbox Move for fast charging at home, the Opel Connect PLUS package4 and eight years of mobile charging and breakdown assistance5 as well as a battery warranty are included.

[1] Range determined according to WLTP test procedure methodology (R (EC) No. 715/2007, R (EU) No. 2017/1151). The actual range can vary under everyday conditions and depends on various factors, in particular on personal driving style, route characteristics, outside temperature, use of heating and air conditioning and thermal preconditioning.

[2] Offer for private customers when purchasing a fully electric passenger car from participating Opel partners by June 30, 2025.

[3] A vehicle’s values not only depend on the vehicle’s efficient use of fuel, but are also influenced by driving behaviour and other non-technical factors.

[4] Connect PLUS services are available for no additional charge for 6 months after the start of the warranty. After this period, the services will be subject to a charge.

[5] Eight years of roadside and mobile charging assistance; mobile charging assistance up to three times a year.

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

Opel Automobile GmbH
65423 Rüsselsheim
Telefon: +49 (6142) 7-70
Telefax: +49 (6142) 77-8409

Colin Yong
Communications, Manager International Product
Telefon: +49 (6142) 69-22084
Carina Elsinger
Telefon: +49 (6142) 6927811
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